
Sunday, 26 April 2015

Salute 2015: Obligatory Materialist Post

I was tempted to call this year's post Salüt, but I wasn't sure how well Blogger would cope with that in a title...

First up, we have the Salute free miniature this year - an Agincourt model. I'm not sure what exactly I'll do with him, but I'm sure I'll think of something.

I picked up a few bits and pieces from Resina Planet. Vorfang is one of their Orc sculpts. Euphoria is a little skirmish game they had, and it came with four figures, so I thought I'd give it a go. That meant I spent enough money to get their show model - a character called Undertaker for Euphoria.

I picked up the "Moss Triad" of Foundry paint to try out on Vorfang. I saw someone else's Orc painted with these colours and thought it looked awesome. Lets see if I can replicate that...

Here are a few food themed Snorklings, sculpted by Kev Adams, that I got with my purchases at the Warmonger stand. Aren't they the adorablest?

Here are some chaos critters from Eureka Miniatures. They're a bunch of weird things based on the paintings of Bosch and Breugel. They're not up on the website yet, but I'm told they will be relatively soon. Eureka were also running a game of Two-up because of Anzac Day, although I didn't participate.

Then I went to EM4 Miniatures. They have Many Things. But what I was looking for primarily was their Scavenger range, which I have been looking at thoughtfully for a while since I saw them on someone else's blog a while ago. They are apparently originally by someone else, but EM4 bought them up when the original company went under.

I also got these "Phagons" from EM4 Miniatures, which are from an old "Spacelords" range. You can't get them on the EM4 website, but you can see a lot of what they have on the Spacelords Facebook Page. Obviously, I'll be using these as Beastmen.

 Here's my Hasslefree purchases this year. Unfortunately, it looks like Boudi and Maika have both taken a small knock due to my careless handling since I bought them. Still, I'm reasonably sure both are salvageable - but it does remind me to be careful of metal miniatures, as they can get damaged just as easy as resin ones with bad handling.

I bought a Sea Queen from Paranoid Miniatures. They're working on a Cthulu inspired game which seems to be called Mythos.

Continuing the aquatic and tentacle theme, here's a Squiddo from the Dice Bag Lady. She doesn't just do Dice Bags now. She's stocking a wide range of sensibly dressed female miniatures, and is also starting to commission her own.

The last thing I picked up at Salute were a few bits and pieces of Reaper Bones from DMB Games. Their main thing is dungeon parts, but they had some boxes of Reaper Bones minis to pick through, so I grabbed some bits and pieces - a Gorgon, some Kobolds, a couple of Hobgoblins, and some Goblins.

Oh yes. Goblins.

It seems that Salute this year was the year of the Goblin Related Accident. Here's a wide range of goblins from Midlam Miniatures. You may remember them from last year's Salute post for their game Stalagbite. I also got their Imps to use as a different "tribe" of Goblins.

I also got the Daywatch from Northumbrian Tin Soldier's "Nightfolk" range. I'm planning on getting some more of the Nightfolk when I've finished painting the ones I have and my wallet has stopped crying.

I got a whole bunch of goblins from Otherworld Miniatures too. They have a pretty wide range of classic D&D style stuff. Sadly (or perhaps fortunately for me) they'd sold out of some of their other goblin models by this point.

I didn't pick up a huge amount from Heresy this year, as I have a Kickstarter order coming from them. Still, a goblin command group will come in handy for all the goblins I've already got, right?

 And here is where the goblin madness started... I bought a bunch of the new goblins from Warmonger Miniatures. They have a definite old school feel, and I'll be the first to admit I like some a lot more than others. Still, they have sent me down a path of goblinoid madness...

Monday, 13 April 2015

Painting a little bit of Oldhammer - Chaos Thug

The Oldhammer Forum is running a few painting challenges at the moment. One is "I've Never Painted a . . . before - the Fantasy 100 Club".

The simple premise was to enter a figure you've never painted before.

This was pretty easy for me, as my Oldhammer painting history is woeful. I had a Chaos Thug ready to go, so I painted him! A lot of people have been talking about hour long speed paints, so I did that too and spent 58 minutes on him for the sake of getting things done quickly.

The purple is to hint at him being a bit Slaanesh, which is the direction I seem to be taking my chaos stuff at the moment.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Stuff I got in March

As mentioned in my last post, I ended up buying a few bits and pieces which meant I didn't complete more projects than I bought. So, what was at fault?

The first culprit is Boatswain Rickard here, my entry into the Oldhammer Legacy Crew 2015 painting challenge. The idea is that everyone paints up a model to a theme (this year: Space Pirates) and then everyone's names are put in a hat and someone wins the crew.

The legs and backpack of the Boatswain are from a EM4 Miniatures' Space Ranger - I was given them many years ago while I was still at school. I felt that was suitably old school, and I haven't managed to find a use for them in two decades. The rest of the parts are from Anvil Industry. They have a nice look to them which works just fine. I considered adding an RTB01 pouch or ammo pack somewhere, but I couldn't find a suitable spot - for all that the old Space Ranger kit was a bit . . . primitive, there's a lot of sculpted detail.

The other purchase was two Mantis Battlesuits from The Miniatures Apprentice. You can currently buy them here, but I understand they're limited in supply. The flying one is currently showing as sold out!

This chap is new to the miniatures casting side of things, and I'm super impressed. You can see some of the lines from where the original was 3D printed, but a bit of fine sanding will clear that right up. The level of crisp detail is excellent, and these are really intricate kits.

I'm not a huge fan of the laser cut acrylic bases, but that's easy enough to fix. I was considering a nice resin display base or two for these ones anyway.

All in all, I'm really looking forward to the massive challenge that these kits are going to be. In that sort of "top of a rollercoaster" kind of way...

Friday, 3 April 2015

Monthly Targets: How did March do?

So, how did I do with finishing things in March?

These are some Raging Heroes models which are a Valentine's Day present to my wife from a few years back. I promised to prepare and undercoat them, and finally, these ones are done - there's still two more to do.

I've also sorted out the scrap markers for my Malifaux.

Commissions also count, but to keep this post "safe for work" you can go here to look at the Forge World Keeper of Secrets that Golem did for me, but it is lacking a little in the clothing department.

So, I succeeded in doing at least two things in a month. However, I did also buy three things, so I didn't quite manage to finish two more things than I bought! I'll cover the month's purchases in a different post as they're not easy to photograph where they are right now.