
Monday, 20 December 2021

Can I Buy Dungeon Bowl Painting Challenge Update

So, it's 20 days into December, a month I've set myself the target of painting 76 models in order to be able to justify buying Dungeon Bowl. Two thirds of the way into the month, we should be rocking along, right?

Another photo of this Stargrave objective marker I made? Wait, that's all I've painted, isn't it? It turns out that coming out of a painting slump, and also having a busy time with both work and stuff around the home has not led to the most productive of painting months so far.

That said, I now have two weeks holiday booked, I'm alone in the flat for Christmas and New Year, and there's nothing in the way of me getting stuff painted now beyond my own brain. So . . . yeah, well, chances aren't great, are they?

You will notice the quality of photos has significantly increased as I finally snapped at my old, broken light box and bought myself a new one. I could have asked for it for Christmas but I was just so over the old one I needed to get it replaced.

This one is much nicer and also has a little hole at the top to do overhead photos. The one thing I need to look into is some matte photo backdrops, as the acrylic shiny ones I have aren't great for miniature photography. Still, the lighting improvement alone is amazing, and I'm super chuffed with it.

Now to go paint a ton of stuff to photo in it!

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