
Monday, 16 July 2012

Plans for the Olympics

Over the course of the Olympics, my dearly beloved wife is running a paint along through the forums of the lovely people at Darksphere.

The event runs from the flame being lit to the flame being extinguished, but assembly and preparation is totally allowed ahead of this. That means I really need to focus on getting that done!

Sim has picked out several categories to run. I'm not worrying about what I'm painting for the Marathon (paint as much as you can) too much - more about the other categories.

For the single miniature category, I've decided to go with GW's "Herald on Disk", who is the adorable sweetums I 'borrowed' to paint from my dear friend Becky when I went up to her house to help out with assembly a while back. I'm often very slack at completing projects, and given its someone else's model, I should really pull my finger out and actually paint him!

In the team event, it's time to get my Malifaux on! I still need to decide exactly how I'm painting Collodi and his adorable little minions. I want to put some nice detail onto them, but I'm absolutely stuck as to what exactly. I'm also really keen to investigate scenic bases, whether metal or resin, but I'm intending to approach that _after_ the competition is done - this is about getting the figures painted, not their bases!

I was pondering for a while about how to approach the supersized event when I remembered that I have an Earthshaker Platform that I have been meaning to finish assembling for ages. Competition is an excellent way of motivating me to get something done, so that will be my first choice. I'm really wanting to find out how the unrealistic artist did the weathering on his latest project, and totally steal take that as inspiration.

The gaming board has been cleared away to make space for craft projects (my painting and the wife's knitting), my commute is full of random athletes and tourists . . . all I need to do now is order in enough canned goods to survive.

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