
Tuesday, 13 August 2013

So, my wife is ambitious...

It's been a slow week on the hobby front for me. I have been set deadlines about clearing up the spare room by my dearly beloved, so instead of assembling and painting miniatures, I've been lugging my old junk around the house, throwing out or ebaying as much as I can. Maybe I'll find the Forge World Baneblade I know I have somewhere in the house!

As some of you may remember from an old post, Sim's hobby progress had stalled for a while. However, there has been progress! The chaos cultists are finally done and out of the house - but there was so little time between them being completed and them leaving the house that I took no photos! There is only the empty space where they once were:

And yet, our house guest left something else in its place for her to assemble and paint...

In order to ensure that she stays on schedule this time around, I will be posting regular update photos. Or lack of update photos, if its not going well. I believe she's aiming to get this all done by December, as well as a couple of death cultists and a pair of super heavies which are yet to arrive...

This is all very frustrating as I am super motivated at the moment, but I absolutely must get the spare room cleared before our guest arrives on Friday. Hopefully, my motivation on painting and modelling will survive past the point of me being stuck using all my free time doing something else! (And no, don't be too sympathetic, I was told months ago this needed doing...)


  1. Replies
    1. You'll be pleased to hear she recently spent a whole bunch of time doing clever things with hot water as she wasn't satisfied with sword straightness or pose...

  2. Also, how does not lose a Baneblade?? They are quite big...
