
Monday, 16 September 2013

Some future plans, Games Day and Warhammer World

Given the horrible state of my hobby, I thought I should probably try and focus on some positives.

It turns out that the Fallen Princes of Badab don't live far away from me, so I'm throwing down the gauntlet to hopefully get a game in against the Sunblitz Brotherhood. I'm hoping to arrange a game at Dark Sphere some time soon, and if it happens, I'll write up a post to say how it went.

I will be going to Games Day this year, and will be about in Birmingham the day before and not travelling home until the following day. If there are any social plans for before or after the event, please do let me know!

Sim and I are also going to Warhammer World for the Masterclass painting events. This is, obviously, a long time in the future, but if anyone wonders why I'm living off bread and water for the next few months, now you know...

1 comment:

  1. Super. I would invite you to stop off at Devos IV on your way to Games Day.

    But I'll be busy :(

    But that should not stop us trying. Through bloggin and a Louis Theroux baiting willingness to take fellow bloggers on trust, my hobby experience has exponentially improved. Have faith, don't give up being responsible. One day soon (well, maybe not that soon), I'll crush your fleshy soldiers to a bloody pulp under my power armoured feet.
