
Saturday, 14 December 2013

Little parcel in the post

Strategically placed card to obscure my address...
I was very pleased this morning to receive a knock on the door from our postman. I had been expecting a little parcel from Wayland Games after receiving a despatch note. I'd actually ordered these back on 4 November, but unfortunately some of the items had been out of stock and needed ordering from the manufacturer, and took a while to arrive.

I'm also trying to avoid delivering parcels to work any more. They are asking us to cut back on that as it is a perk, and recently some people thought it'd be a bright idea to have a new bike and an ironing board delivered there, among other things. I like that perk for when I need it, so most non urgent parcels can go to my home address!

And here are the contents! A number of Eden blisters from Taban. Not all of them are mine, mind you - several are for my wife's ISC faction.

And here they are - I've got the "Bamaka" bases for my Jokers, and Sim has the "Scrapyard" and "ISC" bases for her killer robots. I'm hoping to get down to some serious painting and modelling over the Christmas break, and as I've prepped up a killer clown for painting, I'm glad these made it before the postal service vanished for the festive season.


  1. Killer Clown ? Sounds suitably festive.

    1. They are in their own, special way...
