
Monday, 10 February 2014

20 Guardsmen assembled

I'm feeling quite accomplished from a hobby point of view. My "progress" took a bit of a knock at Warhammer World, followed by a Tempestus Firebase related bargain that my wife was lovely enough to get me as a present.

So, one of the things that my painting lesson at Golem suggested was that I should mix my paint on something closer to what I was painting, rather than a wet palette. I've been noticing a bit of a problem with getting a consistent consistency of paint, so following the lesson, I'm going to give it a try. This involved a cheap bit of hardboard I picked up from 4D Model Shop, and spraying it with the undercoat I use. As I undercoat in both black and white, I split the spraying half and half. I'll now be mixing my paint on this and I'll see how that helps.

And here is the real progress. On the weekend, I finished assembly the 20 Guardsmen for my February commitment in the Independent Characters Hobby Progress Challenge. As I was out on Sunday evening, and my wife had her airbrush out, she offered to undercoat them for me. As she was using a new airbrush (also from 4D, oddly enough), a couple are a little less smoothly undercoated than we would usually do, but I'm pretty sure we'll cover over that with the base coat.

I do still have a bunch of battle reports to write up and post up, but life has been pretty hectic recently. I don't want the blogging to end up getting in the way of actually getting some modelling and painting done!

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