
Monday, 7 July 2014

An eclectic week of interesting acquisitions

I took advantage of a break in the weather this weekend to get a little bit of spray undercoating done. Because I am a good husband, I sorted out the wife's Razorwing Jet Fighter.

Unfortunately, the stuttering noises the white spray can was making as I finished this did not bode well...

So, the Leman Russ I'm picking up for the Hobby Progress Challenge has now had the bottom undercoated in white and the top undercoated in black. Kind of a reverse zenithal or something. I'm not too fussed, I'm sure it'll be fine.

Here's the Bloodletter, ready for a spot of paint. He is what I will tinker about with when I get fed up of tank, so I'm still doing something.

I also did a little trade with the Lead Plague. My ill gotten gains for this included this preacher with a club, amazing bling and ridiculous hair.

I also acquired this delightful Conversion Beamer, which I intend to end up with a gentleman of the Inquisitorial persuasion, once I find the right pieces for him.

My darling wife had also ordered me a couple of the White Dwarf binders, in the interests of me not clogging up the house quite so much. I can imagine a lot of people thinking that they're a waste of money and horribly over priced.

The White Dwarfs fit in very nicely, the quality is respectable, and there's some nice artwork on the inside. I also took the time to track down the people who make them (as I was pretty sure Games Workshop aren't going to be making something so specialised). The unbranded ones usually retail for only a couple of pounds less, and they don't have free shipping on larger orders. In short - respectable and sensible grown up purchase at a not terrible price!

The majority of my Arcworlde Kickstarter arrived this morning, neatly dodging a bunch of guys on bikes who were causing mayhem with the traffic around here later that day. Due to a heavy rules re-write, the books are due to come a little later. A couple of small things were missing from the packet, but I got in touch with Alex and the missing Boglins and dice will be over pretty swiftly. I am a teensy bit intimidated by some of the bigger metal pieces - I've been spoiled rotten by the plastic and resin, I tell you!

(For those keeping track, I now have one fully delivered Indiegogo project, and 3 partially delivered Kickstarters. It's a race to see which Kickstarter will be the first to get me all my pledge!)

And here's some metal in more ways than one! I'm going to try and get these chaps prepped for Sim this week, as her nickel allergy means handling metal figures without gloves causes actual burns to her skin! As such, I'm going to be cleaning them up and giving them a quick undercoat so she can then tag in and paint them.

And finally, I decided to play around with the piece of scenery I got from Candy Art Studio last week and took a shot of a couple of my models having a disagreement over it. I'm playing around with my photography set up to try and balance quick and easy with good shots.


  1. Wow, that conversion beamer is something I've not seen in a while... :-)

    I have a very neat & tidy White Dwarf collection these days - all digital!

    How's the scenery collection going, overall?

    1. I love the paper copies too much to switch to digital for my White Dwarfs.

      I have a nice pile of unpainted scenery. There's still a problem with Sim's airbrush, so the silos I have "In progress" are staying in progress and I'm not starting any new scenery projects until I finish the ones I'm already part way through!

  2. Replies
    1. They're currently still available from GW! I actually picked them up at Games Day last year.
