
Monday, 6 October 2014

Anvil Industry Kickstarter: "Afterlife"

Some of you may not realise, but my walk home from work (on the days when the weather is nice, or the local transport system has gone completely off the rails) takes me close to the secret lair of Anvil Industry, producers of high quality resin stuff.

This is as close as I can take a picture - to stop them getting interrupted all day from casting beautiful resin miniatures, and to avoid being attacked by Unity Council Stim Hounds as some kind of industrial spy.

(I had also considered photo shopping the parked up English National Opera trailers to carry the Anvil Industry logo, but avoided doing so due to a lack of photo shop skills and a stern warning from a hit squad of mezzo-sopranos.)

Why do I mention this? Well, as you can see, Anvil Industry are expanding their underground base (ignore the Crossrail signs, we all know it's an elaborate front). In order to fund this elaborate venture, they've set up an ambitious Kickstarter to help raise the relevant capital for the final stages of the project.

If you've not encountered their stuff before, my wife painted up a few of their current models and posted them up on her twitter feed today. Take the time to have a look - they are very pretty. All the dystopian sci-fis!

I've put in to back them a little bit, but I'm still deciding what exactly to get. I like their female sculpts - sensibly muscular for the military types, and appropriately dressed. I in particular like Lena Petrova and Gabriela Aguilar. However, I'm also incredibly stoked about Alexsander Malik ("the Technician"), as I can see a use for him in a lot of the games systems I play.

So, please take a moment to potter over to the Afterlife Kickstarter and consider throwing them a few pennies - they've set an ambitious goal, but one I think they'll make (and deserve to).

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