
Monday, 29 December 2014

What I got done while I was away

I took some modelling stuff away while I was visiting my family, and I did get some of it done.

Here's some creepy mutants for INQ28 and the like.

Here's a better lit photo of one of them. They were my quick and easy things to do in between the harder jobs.

And finally, the CSU is assembled and done! I've also gotten to work on Cypher, one of my Christmas presents, but he isn't quite finished yet. I'm doing him properly with lots of pinning, and some of that is proving a little challenging!


  1. I love your conversions, I'm just about to finish painting 3 guys who look so disturbingly like those ...

    1. The number of times I go on the Ammobunker and find someone has done something I was planning, often far better than I think I would have? We're all working from the same creative pool and I think we often cross pollinate and have ideas develop in parallel.

    2. We sure do ! Here are mine :

    3. Very nice - and at least you've painted yours! :)

    4. Really like those little conversions, look forward to seeing them painted. Lets face it they;re small so will be quick and tally up in your painted total ;)
      Feel your pain about finding people have done what you had planned already. Even if it's just something as simple as a similar colourscheme, made worse when it's on the same forum you do your army diary :)

    5. The way I'm currently managing it, I have a pile of "quick wins" stacked up that I do in between whatever complicated project I'm trying to get finished.

  2. the one with the beastman skull and torch is awesome!

    1. Thank you! The Beastman skull is from the old Skeleton Army boxed set - I only have a couple, and I'm super nervous every time I use one, because I can't replace them. And the horns aren't the easiest things to get lined up.

    2. as heretical as it is, have you thought about a 2 piece pressmold?

    3. I hadn't, but honestly, I don't use them very often - I'm happy to use them when I have a project, I just get hyper aware that a mistake will lose me an irreplaceable thing!
