
Monday, 18 May 2015

A bit of a slack post

Well, I'm sitting around in Bugman's posting this from my phone. It's a bit of a slack Monday post, but you're going to have to live with it! Refunds can be applied for from the usual address. ;-)

We attended the Grand Opening yesterday, and came back today when it was quieter. We had an excellent chat with some of the studio and Forge World staff yesterday - today has been more about the non-event Warhammer World exclusives.

Also, the blog passed a milestone last week, surging past 100,000 views. Now, a lot of that was from back when I typed up the Forge World seminars, but the traffic from that has reduced in the past few years as other people have been able to get faster reports out than I have. I don't begrudge that - I started reporting events because I was seeing so much mis-remembering or out of context quoting. There's now people being proactive, getting high quality pictures and good write ups. Fair play to them - I'm not interested in putting in the effort to do that - I've always been a hobby blogger first and a geek hobby gonzo journalist second.

The 100,000 count is obviously going to be a bit misleading - there will be piles of bots and other junk in amid the hobbyists. Still, it is a milestone of sorts which I'm happy with. There's still folk who read and comment, or say they've read the blog. I still mostly get blank looks if I meet a hobbyist and mention the blog, with a few rare exceptions.

The rest of today is a day of daydreams and thoughts of what might be in the future. This is no terrible thing - I want to do fewer posts bemoaning that I've not got things done, or over-thinking how I organise my painting. I also wonder if the answer is to read less and write more. Thoughts are still half formed, and if they crystallise, I may share them. In the meantime, happy dreams and hobby.


  1. "I've always been a hobby blogger first and a geek hobby gonzo journalist second". possibly the quote of the day.

    Well done with the mile stone!

    1. Ach!

      - riot ville beat me to it!

      By the way, I think I resent being called a 'bot'...

    2. Riot: Thank you kindly! I never intended to report on anything much, I just got fed up of other people doing it badly or not at all. I'll do it while it remains fun!

      Drax: You are pretty unconvincing. Can you even pass a Turing Test yet? :-P

  2. Congratulations on the milestone! I hope to one day reach it myself. I'm a hobby blogger as well and have been wrestling with the quality over quantity posting recently. Would have loved to have gone to the reopening myself and I'll definitely have to make plans fopr a pilgrimage in the near future. Wishing you many more views to come!

    1. I am OK with the odd filler post, but I feel bad if I don't have some quality content for a while. If I don't have modelling, painting or a battle report, I'll try and fit in the time for an opinion piece of some kind.

  3. Opinion piece ?

    Nah, I'd never do that............

    1. We're mostly all shy and retiring types who wouldn't want to bother people over mere opinions...
