
Wednesday, 1 July 2015

A victory for June, however small

I managed to knock out a second project last night, which means I hit my June target of two projects completed! Once more, purchasing mistakes were made, and a couple of small Kickstarters showed up, but I now feel like there's some traction!

Here's the finished "rescue job" Crusader pushing me over the line. The armour got left as is, and the cloak got over-painted to add contrast, but pretty much everything else you see here got at least a few more details added.

The shield was what made me decide to keep his paint job and that it was salvageable. The only thing added to that is painting the braids / ropes in rather than leaving them back.

He's only a tabletop quality job, but he's something I bought recently who's had a nice quick turnaround to get him table ready. Now I just need to get some buddies for him together so I can have a nice little Inquisitorial warband.


  1. Nice. Gotta love those Crusaders.

    1. Yeah, they're nice models. Got a couple more to do soon.

  2. Nice work. That shield looks great.
    Congrats on meeting your goal... I've fallen far behind my aspirations for May and June (and July... )

    1. Yeah, I couldn't bring myself to strip the model with the shield looking that good. There was hardly anything to change there!
