
Monday, 21 November 2016

Oldhammer Forum Challenge - Chaos Villager - Complete!

So, with the deadline on the Oldhammer Forum Chaos Villager challenge fast approaching, I sat down to quickly finish off the Chaos Blacksmith you saw in my post the other week.

To finish up the base, I drybrushed various different light colours onto the paving slabs to add some contrast - there's a lilac, a green, a blue and a couple of different greys all there. The piece of paper got a Steel Legion Drab base coat and a quick bone drybrush. I then dabbed in some Typhus Corrosion, wiping off the worst with my finger, to bring the stone back down a bit.

The anvil got a nice simple grey stone base with a plain Nuln Oil wash. Nothing fancy.

And here he is all together. Pleased oto have gotten a model finished, and had fun playing around with a few new paints.

Background wise, I'm thinking that his drive for perfection attracted the attention of Slaanesh, and his gold mask is riveted to his skull, driving him mad with visions of techniques and secrets beyond mortal comprehension. He uses those secrets to craft fine swords for the champions who sometimes pass through the village.

I basically took this photo to show the piece of paper behind the anvil. No other reason.

As a reminder, this miniature is available from Anvil Industry, should you want one of your very own.


  1. Nicely done, that's a great model and pose. I think the basing is especially good, I'm going to try something similar one day.

    1. I think it was James Wappell's blog that put me onto the idea of highlighting with very different colours to the base colour, but I can't remember who it was I saw breaking up cobblestones by highlighting and shading in different colours.

      Bases help make a model, and in turn an army. I think they're super important.

  2. I'd been stuck for an idea for a while, then I saw it and knew it suited the challenge. Two years in a row I've used Anvil Industry things in the Oldhammer forum challenge...

  3. Love this guy and what you have done with him - really evocative. The colour contrast and detail on the base is really interesting too. I might have to purchase one for my D&D campaign (I've just seen they also do a suped up Werewof, which I also obviously need immediately).

    1. Anvil do a ton of great stuff - I don't worry about recommending them when I'm friends with them because I also love the things they make.
