
Monday, 6 November 2017

A finished model!

So, I settled down at the weekend to get a little more hobby done. The last couple of "transport casualties" of my Infinity figures needed sorting as the next step on clearing my hobby table. Some newly purchased super glue made me realise how much my old stuff has "gone off" and takes forever to stick things. I'll continue to use it up on stuff where the join is unimportant or not under strain, but for anything complicated or likely to break, the new stuff will be deployed.

I promised you a new figure - and here he is! This figure was given to me as part of a "secret Santa" kitbash exercise a few years ago. You were meant to paint them straight away, but, you know...

Still, here he is in all his terrible glory. He's likely to either see the table as a Chaos Spawn or maybe an Imperial Daemonhost.

There was a really odd reluctance to sit down and finish off painting him. But once he was done, the sense of achievement was massively disproportionate to the amount of effort I'd put into him. It feels like I've broken through a barrier somehow.

For next steps? Keep knocking out some quick tabletop quality paint jobs for bits and pieces I have sitting. The Anvil zombies are looking highly likely as an early candidate for that before I get back into that 1000 point army challenge for AoS I was doing last year...

Meanwhile, I think that the "hobby assembly tray" by the coffee table is proving excellent. It needs less clearing up than just using the coffee table, and means I can do a little bit on an easy, non metal job any time I'm around there. Currently the first actual Chaos Spawn is there, while the metal assembly on my desk has the classic Imperial Assassin all cued up.


  1. He does look suitably angry....

    1. His soul is damned and he has a tentacle problem. That would make most people pretty cheesed off...

  2. Great work on the kit bash and a really nice paint job too!

    1. The kit bash was by a Mystery Gift Giver, but the paint job is mine. :)
