I'm responsible compared to my wife, which is, admittedly, not a high standard to be setting.
Thursday, 7 November 2019
Reaper Bones: Black Review - Dreadmere Mercenaries, Part 2
I finished the Reaper Black Bones Dreadmere Mercenaries last month, based off the tutorial by El Soldado Tranquilo. I undercoated black as instructed, then drybrushed heavily with Grey Seer. I didn't manage to exactly copy the scheme at this stage as he did a darker drybrush all over, then a lighter one with a brighter colour over the top of the mini and the weapon.
I then washed the entire figure in Snakebite Leather, but chickened out of using a wet brush to thin out the areas I wanted to be lighter. The other blogger recommends trying watering the contrast down before and after painting, so that's something to try out in future paint jobs.
The next drybrush stage went down well and I was pretty happy with how it then started to look. I'd actually really like some figures just left at this kind of stage. I definitely want to try a more detailed pass with Rakarth more like a base coat before the Agrax in a future pass.
I then dropped in some Contrast paints to match three of the Cities of Sigmar paint colours. I felt these weren't desaturated enough. The tutorial didn't cover how to add other desaturated colours, so I want to play around with this more.
I took another couple of drybrushed highlights using bone and grey colours, along with Agrax washes, which brought everything together more and made the colours much less bold. I decided to leave these figures at this point, but I definitely want to play around with this methodology more in future.
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