I'm responsible compared to my wife, which is, admittedly, not a high standard to be setting.
Friday, 10 April 2020
Infinity Tournament Practice Game: Custom Mission - Dahshat vs Spiral Corps
The last game I managed to get in before it All Went Wrong was a tournament practice game with Riker. The tournament he was going to was using the Halloween zombie mission Corvus Belli put out a while ago (with the exception that no, you do not get a free Avatar).
I was running my Dahshat Company, while my opponent was running Spiral Corps. You had to kill the zombies, who you could only harm in close combat.
My early move was to have my Zuyong move up and shoot at the "Chaksa" that supposedly only had a Heavy Flamethrower, sitting in a sniper nest linked to two other Chaksa. Unsurprisingly, it was a Taagma Schemer with a Viral Sniper rifle using a Holoprojector to pretend to be another unit.
("Unsurprisingly" because you need a Taagma to create the link in the first place, and there's not really a profile worse for putting in a sniper tower than a Heavy Flamerthrower!)
I then tried moving McMurrough up through smoke to try and take out some units, but I was already a few orders down and I couldn't quite get anything effective off, and pulled him back so he didn't get easily killed off next turn.
Unfortunately, doing that had left my Zuyong Haris a little over-exposed instead. First the Rui Shi, got hit (and shot again to make it stay dead given it was about two inches from an Engineer).
And then the rest of the link was picked off one by one from the left, leaving them out of cover. After that, I couldn't manage to get back into the game. McMurrough suffered from it being just a bit too long a run in the open to get a good hit in, but was successful in his more rarely used role of "being a terrifying order sync as you try and kill him".
In the end, I just couldn't get enough zombies killed. I brought out Saito Togan in the last round, but my troops had been positioned such that most of the zombies had ended up running away from him rather than past him. It meant he had too far to go and just couldn't get the kills in.
All in all, it was a fun, pretty balanced scenario. I could see that playing it a couple of times before the tournament would definitely help out a whole bunch as you avoided mistakes like "set up ambush for zombies and forget to bait it".
As I mentioned before, this is the last game I had before lockdown. I'm having a look at Tabletop Simulator, and may get in some games there - but I'm also kind of enjoying being able to focus on the painting!
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