
Friday, 4 November 2022

Checking how I did in October

I've had a really excellent month for painting. With ten models painted, it's been one of my more productive months. I've also finished the four Shasvastii I started ages ago, which has felt like a bit of a weight off my mind too.

I'm probably about halfway through the Combined Army assembly batch, and am feeling pretty positive about them all being ready for paint by the end of November. I had an assortment of O-12 minis I'd put straight away when I got them back from my commission assemblers, so I've got them out and queued them up behind the aliens with the hope that I'll get started on those this month too. It also means I could consider picking up O-12 next as a quick Infinity painting project.

When I started getting back into painting, I'd actually pulled out five D&D miniatures, although I subsequently only finished three. I've got a shieldmaiden and a halfling rogue to finish up, and I'm quite keen for them to be off my painting desk by the end of the month.

With the four Infinity models finished, along with the Battletech Griffin, my yearly "project capacity" has crept up a little. I've not finished assembling any new projects, but I'm now showing as being able to finish what's in my "ready to paint" project pile within the next twelve months. Much better.

I've tweaked my unstarted project pile a little. With no immediate plans to paint Infinity on the horizon, I've banished Sargosh to the "don't think about" box. I've pulled in the Urbanmechs, as doing them alongside the Armored Combat box shouldn't be too much of a big deal. I've also added the Thorns of the Briar Queen to the "to do" pile, as they're mostly assembled and just need a little more work, and I'm getting excited about the idea of playing some Underworlds. Beyond that, the list has stayed much the same.

I did have a moment of unplanned keen and washed the models from the "Tunnels and Terrors" Kickstarter prior to assembly. They're now "in flight" for assembly but I don't really have space to be working on them right now until I've done some more tidying, and I need to have started another painting project for them to have "room" in the ready to paint pile.

So, this month? I'm currently tending towards getting the Defiance crates done as an easy win before starting on my Horus Heresy test models, which are fiddly and are likely going to take me a whole bunch of time to get done. I suspect they won't get finished in November, but I definitely want them to be well underway.

With many of my "little minis to paint between projects" I don't want to pick anything too fiddly to do alongside the Horus Heresy figures, as that's going to take all my capacity for nonsense painting. I've got plenty of simple D&D figures that need doing, though, so that shouldn't be a bother.

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