
Monday, 13 March 2023

This week - remembering to paint something!

My "make sure I actually paint something" model this week is Miko the Vampire Hunter by Bad Squiddo Games. The base is a Dungeons & Lasers base by Archon Studio. I got an extra set with one of their Kickstarters, and I'm not sure if they're planning to sell the bases separately or not.

It's worth noting that Bad Squiddo are planning on having a small Kickstarter for their Horror / Gothic range soon, which Miko is from. The launch date isn't finalised yet, but I'll let my loyal readers know when it's announced.

I spent Saturday at Red Star Blues, a tournament organised by one of HATE club at Bethnal Green Working Men's Club. I had three fun games of Infinity with some excellent people, and I'll provide a longer write up in a bit.

It's the first of three busy weekends in a row, which I'm both looking forward to and also kind of looking forward to being over.

I'm definitely putting my Shasvastii on the back shelf now. I've found the White Company models I "put in a safe place" a few months ago so they're good to go again, and the last models I need to start experimenting with O-12 are off at assembly.

With the new Bakunin models coming out there is the deep temptation to start getting back into Nomads but I'm much further behind with working out their paint scheme than the O-12, so I'm going to exercise some patience there and hopefully get a reasonable selection of O-12 painted and ready for gaming.

(I am still plugging away at the undercoat work on the Onyx Contact Force batch I got back from assembly. They're definitely going away in a box for now and were mostly assembled for more efficient storage. There will come a day I turn up to a tournament with Onyx, but it's probably not this year...)

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