
Wednesday, 13 December 2023

Wizkids Pathfinder Mwangi Models (and a flying Kobold)

I noticed some older models from before I started picking up Wizkids pre-painted models were going out of stock at my usual supplier, so I picked up a couple. These two are both from the Pathfinder Mwangi Expanse line, a setting I'm really excited about. It also has a whole bunch of unique monsters so grabbing any that aren't painfully bad is a priority as it's unlikely to be easy to find another in the future.

The big lad is an Asanbosam, a large humanoid predator that lives in the jungles. Based on a Ghanan myth, they have cold iron teeth and claws, and drink blood. Paizo have linked these, saying it needs large amounts of iron in its diet to maintain its claws and teeth.

The Rompo is another beast, but this one is a lone scavenger who usually prefers to feed on leftovers from another predator's kills rather than getting into a fight directly itself. This could easily be used as an encounter in itself, where PCs need to retrieve something from or investigate some dead bodies the Rompo is feeding from. The other encounter idea that springs to mind is the idea of a Rompo starting to follow the PCs from a distance and picking up the remains of their kills. If a PC notices it, it reinforces the skills of PCs who know about local wildlife as being useful - and is also a small detail that makes the wider world feel more realistic and complete.

This model was sold as a "Kobold Warlock", but neither D&D nor Pathfinder has a stat line for a winged Kobold spellcaster. D&D does have winged Kobolds, while Pathfinder doesn't so it's most likely going to be useful as a custom monster stat line in D&D.

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