
Monday, 5 February 2024

February Plans

I had a very successful January, getting a D&D party painted up in a month. Thing is, to get the right models for the players, there were a whole bunch of other miniatures I'd picked up alongside the ones for the characters in various states of assembly. These are some Foundry Halflings, whose pack supplied the mule and Halfling Cleric.

So, the first job for February, then, is to get all these half done figures sorted. Now, I managed to paint five figures last month, so all these part done bits and pieces would be way more than January. So rather than try and paint them all and catastrophically miss, the plan is to get them all fully assembled and undercoated, ready for paint. I can then grab one or two as an ad hoc quick paint in between my projects. These Oathsworn Dwarf Light Infantry characters had supplied the Dwarf Rogue.

There's also a few Frameworks miniatures who contributed towards the Half Elf Warlock - plus another couple of miniatures I got in case I needed parts from them but weren't used at all. In the interests of not adding things into the stash, I'll be trying to get them all done.

The leftover Milliput from the metal miniatures' bases I sculpted into this little mushroom. It's not very good, but it's something, and was fun to do and means I haven't wasted a little Milliput. He counts. He's on the list.

The free miniature I got from Games Workshop also needs some basing paste and an undercoat. I've been seeing a few interesting ideas for paint schemes from people like 52 Miniatures and Ninjon. These ad hoc figures that I don't have a particular look I'm aiming for are excellent opportunities to try new techniques or colour palettes.

One of the things I'm trying to do this year is to paint a "project" each month. Realising I had quite a lot of work to do to "tidy up" I had a nose about to see what quick and easy projects I had lying about - and realised that basically came down to my Combined Army. So, I'll grab a couple of those to do and I'm not mad about it.

But, in the interests of trying to give myself a little more "selection" of easier projects for busy months, I decided to give myself a stretch goal of sorting out this Battletech Lance I've been meaning to get to for absolutely ages. They need their mould lines scraping off, some basing paste sorting, and a coat of undercoat.


  1. Liking your having a plan. I'm miles away from that level of together.

    1. I mean. I may not be together enough to actually then follow the plan . . . time will tell...
