
Thursday, 7 March 2024

Infinity Game: Nomads vs Yu-Jing: Acquisition

Popped down to the club last week for a pick up game of Infinity. My friend was running his Yu Jing, and we randomly selected Acquisition as the mission. I threw a basic list together including the Gator, won the Lieutenant roll and chose the deployment edge, meaning I got to go second.

My left flank was effectively and brutally rolled up, and a Shaolin made a run for the backfield, getting hit by an E/M mine laid by Billie to end his rampage.

I was deeply worried about my opponent's Hac Tao, and tried to use a Heckler Jammer to deal with it. The Heckler failed and was quickly shot to bits, and I saw at the weekend my opponent is now assembling a Tian Gou with Jammer after finding out how amazing they are.

So yeah, sorry locals, that one is on me.

I sent the Gator out to clear a Total Reaction remote, but he could only draw a bead on it when outside of cover. He messed up twice, and on the second go, failed two armour saves and spent the rest of the game hiding.

A Lu Duan made an offensive run up the board, dropped a deployable repeater to inhibit the Gator, then found Jazz and took her out with a Heavy Flamethrower.

Things were going badly enough on my second turn that I brought my Tomcat Doctor on to heal up a couple of models just to mean I had some orders in my third turn...

But it wasn't enough, and the Hac Tao secured the central tech coffin to win the game. I was thoroughly outplayed here, with a pretty well tuned Yu Jing list (that I think I've just helped tune up even more). I'm still pottering through different unit picks in Nomads, and haven't truly gelled with a build just yet. I definitely still love the faction and am enjoying playing them, but I haven't found the build or models that really bring me joy. There's some little elements I'm definitely getting on with and I'm liking some bits and pieces, but I'm still on the search for the That Thing I Love...

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