
Thursday, 28 November 2024

LGT Infinity Tournament: Day 1

 Back at the end of September, I went to the two day Infinity tournament at the LGT. With it being towards the end of the fourth edition of Infinity, I decided I wanted to take a lot of the more 'fringe' profiles from White Company so I'd had a chance to use them. At the time, it wasn't clear if White Company was going to be continuing into the new edition, but it's since been confirmed they're still available.

I was running two lists - the first used a Chaksa Longarm to lead a small fireteam, had John Hawkwood as Lieutenant and Taowu Holomasked as a second John Hawkwood. The second list ran the Guija TAG, and kept to a single combat group of ten models.

Game 1: Unmasking vs Tunguska

First up was Unmasking, and I was paired against a club mate who I'd not played before who was running Tunguska.

My Tiger Soldier dropped in to neutralise the Grenzer sniper who was dominating the field to stop me advancing.

I sent the Chaksa, Hawkwood and Valerya to hit the first console, but as the team approached, a Heckler with a Jammer revealed and isolated Valerya, leaving the team a bit hamstrung. Worse, this was the real Hawkwood, and he got taken out the following turn, leaving me in Loss of Lieutenant.

To try and swing the game back, I sent the Kunai Ninja after the Vostok, but he got caught by another model's ARO, and I didn't really have enough orders left to get to the consoles and the targets. In the end, it was a 9-0 loss for me, but it was good to get my first game ever with a friend.

Game 2: Resilience Operations vs Corregidor

Next up was Resilience Operations against another club mate, running Corregidor. This is a mission where you get your objectives by random card draw. You have different objectives from your opponent, and you don't know what your opponent is trying to do.

The typical Maasai Morans blocked up the centre. I was able to clear some of the Koalas by getting lines of sight to them, but had to be a bit cagey about getting close to the Morans early on as I didn't want to get targeted and hit by guided missiles.

The Tiger Soldier went for the model I suspected was the Lieutenant, but got some unlucky rolls and he got taken out. One of my squads over-extended a little bit and ended up getting completely exploded by the Vostok.

I had trouble pushing forward, and ended up making a run to try and control the centre with Hawkwood, but couldn't get enough points into the zones I needed to score. This left me with a 9-3 loss. I got thoroughly outplayed on positioning, and my opponent really earned his win.

Game 3: Countermeasures vs Druze Bayram Security

The last game of the day was Countermeasures, and I was up against Druze Bayram Security. I decided to take my list with the Guija and a single combat group.

My fireteam got a Repeater onto the Druze remote, immobilised it, and got into cover to try and make it through the next turn...

On the last turn, I sent my ORC Lieutenant up to clear the reaction pieces, but he got shot down... It was all down the the Blade Ops Engineer.

The Blade Ops managed to get the job done, getting some nanobots onto a Doctor to score some of the objective cards.

The Guija then got into gun fight with the Triphammer, and rather embarrassingly lost... But it wasn't enough, and the White Company managed to win the game 6-2.

So, having won one of the three games on the first day, I headed home for some sleep before returning for Day 2. Could I improve my win record on the second day?


  1. I don't always comment, but I always read your reports and I find them great. Please keep them coming!

    1. The dreaded "real world" got in the way recently! I had a big ol' pile of games and events in rapid succession where I didn't have time to write them up, then a period of work getting super busy where I didn't have time for either.
      Hopefully I'll get to a slightly more balanced heading soon enough...
