
Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Infinity N5 Slow Grow League Battle Report - Shasvastii vs Operations Subsection

To get folk going with N5 at the club, our Warcor is organising a narrative slow grow league. I'm running Shasvastii after I threw a list together to help me decide which faction to play and fell in love with it. My faction assigned me to the mission "Domination", facing ALEPH's Operations Subsection.

I went with a Mentor as a reliable Lieutenant. The Med-Tech and Ikadron were my "support package" with a Q Drone for defence. Trying a new link team, I took a Nox, Oktavia and Aida Swanson. Oktavia has had a major glow up this edition and it earned her a new paint job. Finally, I grabbed a Shrouded Minelayer and Malignos Hacker for midfield control, and a Taigha as a throwaway warband and solving problems that throwaway warbands solve.

I had the first turn and was super cautious about getting into a gunfight with the ALEPH gun fighters, so sent the Malignos out to flip a console. I ducked it into a quiet spot and went back into camouflage to avoid the spectacular number of hackers I was facing.

The Q Drone (discount, Thunderbolt version) headed up into the centre board to try and cost my opponent a few orders in her first turn. It lightly bullied a Deva hacker who managed to dodge out of sight.

The Taigha went for the Apsara hacker with a Berserk attack, but absolutely stuffed it and was shot down with a shotgun on its way in.

A Dakini HMG had a go at taking out the Thunderbolt, but got unlucky. Trisha N33 managed to Gizmokit the Dakini back up again, formed a link team with another Dakini and the Deva . . . shot again . . . and got taken out a second time. Ooof. This was a particularly unlucky chain of events that was a pretty hefty order drain.

I spent my turn bringing my Shrouded Minelayer up to try and take on some of the advanced pieces, but didn't get much success. I then brought the link team up, and Oktavia absolutely ashed poor Trisha with the rocket launcher, before heading up into the midfield to try and strengthen my scoring.

At this point, the ALEPH firepower I'd been so worried about started showing its strength. The proxy HMG (out of shot) simply exploded my Q drone without breaking a sweat.

The Apsara then worked around past my Malignos, who I had no intention of revealing in my reactive turn. She then snuck through the gap left by the Q drone, shot the Shrouded in the back (who miraculously survived but then failed guts into a horrifically exposed position), and melted the Nox hacker, breaking the fireteam apart.

The Med-Tech got the Q drone back online, but Aida was pinned down by the Proxy HMG, and I didn't fancy my odds on getting rid of it with the Q drone. Oktavia worked her way around the left of the barrier to engage the Apsara and was able to take it out.

In an effort to clear the opposition, I ran Oktavia forward and she got into a fight with three separate models. Most were fine, but I was able to take out the Operations Subsection lieutenant, meaning that my opponent now had to think very hard about how to spend her orders in her final turn.

As it was, she did a pretty good job! She was able to to clear the Shrouded, put Oktavia dogged, and then dive for the button with her Proxy doctor on the last order - sadly failing the WIP roll and being taken out by Oktavia moments before Oktavia passed out.

The mission ended with a 7-3 score in favour of the Shasvastii, but it was pretty close - if the doctor had survived, it would have moved to 6-4, and if the WIP roll had passed, it would have been 6-5... It was a fun game, and I spent most of it really scared of the ALEPH firepower. In many cases, I was being saved by the Shasvastii being difficult to hit, and if they'd been just a little less lucky they'd have evaporated completely.

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