
Monday, 20 January 2025

Weird little jobs and weird little miniatures

It's been a busy week, but I did manage to finish re-undercoating the base on this Rasyat with Boarding Shotgun so it's ready for paint. I'm rushing to try and complete Oktavia Grimsdottir for my Shasvastii so I can use her in a game, but it's going to be close...

I had a little store credit with Bad Squiddo Games, so picked up a couple of sculpts as I was ahead on painting having finished the Lyran Battlemech lance this month. Old Man Shroom is an interesting weird little sculpt that can be a good Pathfinder NPC. Meanwhile the other sculpt is a Kasa-Obake, a spirit possessing an old umbrella from Japanese folklore. I grabbed this because this is a valid PC option in Pathfinder from the recent Tian Xia Player's Guide, and I couldn't not.

Upon purchasing miniatures, I was immediately struck down for my hubris by the arrival of more miniatures. From Bad Squiddo. In my defence, these are Community Miniatures Project minis from last year. These are the last of the "catch up" minis, so the project will be re-launching shortly. As it is, I have two pirates and an angry lady with pigeons who will all happily turn into fantasy NPCs without any work on my part whatsoever.

I've been continuing my clear out, and sorted through all my cases for miniatures I no longer need. I pulled out all the ad hoc ones for listing on eBay, but kept back these two Servitors with Heavy Bolters, as they're going to fit nicely into my Imperial Agents army along with all the random Inquisition stuff I already own...

The other half of the case trawling exercise was pulling out miniatures I can use for Frostgrave, so here's the starting candidates. I need to dig out the rules for what soldiers have what weapons and how many points / gold my warband is so I can have a shuffle through some builds / work out how many of my favouritest models in the world that I've painted I can fit into a single warband...

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