
Sunday, 9 February 2025

Painted models! A practice game! A tournament!

It's been a busy week. I finished up a couple of figures on my lunchbreaks, had a practice game at HATE for a tournament at the weekend, and then, you know, went to the tournament on the weekend. As a result I've not had the time to do the fancy backdrop photos of my finished models, so you'll have to make do with badly lit photos from my painting table for now.

I finished Agent Dukash for the tournament. Another model that got a "glow up" for N5, and now has a very different role to the one he used to have. I'll report back with more details in other posts.

Obviously, there was the tournament itself, which was held in Norwich. I travelled up from London, staying in a hotel before and after. The tournament was excellent, and I believe they're planning to hold more that are more widely advertised now they've had a good practice run at it.

I also finished this Wizkids Frameworks Tiefling while waiting for the paint to dry on Dukash. It occurred to me only after base coating him that I could be using these figures to test paint schemes for my Bretonnians. So, umm, expect some more D&D figures painted up in some more colours while I work out some paint schemes, I guess...

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