
Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Tournament Practice: Combined Army vs Steel Phalanx

With a tournament at the weekend, I arranged to get in a practice game with one of my club mates. We were practicing Capture and Protect as the mission I'd played the least out of the three at the tournament.

I was up against Steel Phalanx, who'd taken first turn, and had Ajax as their reserve drop. He forward deploys now. Could that be a problem?

Ajax spent his first turn running up, using smoke and positioning to kill Sheskiin. Which was deeply unfortunate for me as Sheskiin was my Lieutenant, so I started my first turn in Loss of Lieutenant.

Never mind, I'll just have Agent Dukash walk on the back board edge using my Warhorse orders. He'll be fine. Whiffed against a Servant Remote, you say? Immobilised in place by a 3 point peripheral you didn't respect? That's deeply unfortunate.

Maybe the Libertos can . . . nope, he's discovered.

Well, at least the Dartok can drop a Repeater from his Pitcher and immobilise Ajax before he does any more damage...

Agamemnon then led the charge to lock down the Combined Army. Unfortunately, my inability to stop rolling critical hits helped me significantly here, with two crits in my first ARO, and continuing along that vein for several orders.

Eventually, however, the luck had to run out, and the Q drone was down.

To make sure the pesky remote didn't get back up again, an Ekdromoi dropped in, jet packed over, and took out the Med-Tech. Who . . . was my new Lieutenant. Oh dear.

There wasn't much I could do on my second turn really. I locked down Ajax but that was about it. Agent Dukash got out of his immobilised state just in time to get gunned down by Agamemnon.

Phoenix then fought his way up the board, getting held up a little bit by a Libertos, but he was not to be denied.

The fireteam reached the console and got in place to score it. The kicking I'd received meant I started my third turn in Loss of Lieutenant, and while the Dartok tried to run back and deny the scoring, it was no good...

Despite the horror, I did manage to score my classified, which is pretty good going for two turns in Loss of Lieutenant and one in Retreat... I learned a couple of lessons about positioning and the vulnerabilities of my two main attack pieces, so it was a productive evening of having terrible things happen to my models so I could play better at a tournament...

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