
Thursday, 6 March 2025

Infinity Campaign Game: 250 point Custom Mission, Shasvastii vs O-12

Our club Infinity campaign continues. My Shasvastii were sent to face O-12 in a custom mission where you needed to upload data on consoles and photograph enemy troops. (I believe put together from the YAMS system.) There was also a special mission rule that meant that there was a visual mod if you shot over a long distance.

I based my list around two small fireteams. The first was a Gwailo with Heavy Rocket Launcher, Victor Messer and a Jayth, the second was a Nox HMG, Tensho and Aida Swanson. I'd lost the Lieutenant roll and my opponent had elected to go first.

O-12 had the first turn, and the Nimrod went for a Super Jump, shooting my Q-drone as part of the move. Some unlucky dice meant that the Nimrod went down, with my reaction remote still up and active.

My opponent then moved into "making my life difficult", and moved a Gangbuster up, deployed a Madtrap to cover my fireteam, and headed back to a little nook again. As my list lacked Taighas, I broke the fireteam apart, had the Jayth idle to trigger the Madtrap, then successfully dodged it. I had a servant remote close enough if I'd messed it up.

My Shrouded then took out the Cyberghost who'd moved up to lay a pitcher down.

And finally, my Jayth Cutthroat managed to push the button on the console. Well. They failed all the WIP rolls so didn't score me points. But they spent time there, so at least they were contributing. I couldn't send Victor up there as it was covered by a Repeater. While the hacker was down, there was still a Killer Hacker lurking about somewhere.

A Raptor then came up and sent his flamethower buddy into the team. Uh oh. This is "sub optimal".

End result: Victor Messer dead. Gwailo Lieutenant dead. Jayth has dived into close combat with the robot to stop getting set on fire himself.

The rest of the game passed pretty quickly as I didn't have a whole ton of stuff left. The Jayth finally pushed the button on the console, uploading some data or something.

A hidden deployed Razor also showed up to make the mid field a sadder place for me.

In the end, with me having the last turn, I needed to photograph the Raptor, move around him, and then push a second console button to win. Sadly the Jayth, needing a 19 or less on a D20 to get the photograph, managed to roll a 20, meaning I didn't have enough orders to get to the second console. I took the remaining photo, tying the game, but was just a little short on the win.

All in all, it was a good game. Taking a Gwailo Lieutenant without backup is not smart, but I was limited by the points available for the mission. The Gwailo / Jayth link seems excellent, and I want to give it a bit more of a test run soon.

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