Back in September, I finally got my Stormcast Eternals out to get in my first game of Age of Sigmar. Mine were painted by
Squiggle's Studio. One of the members of my club had offered me a game and had brought his Seraphon.
I won the first turn and moved a bunch of models forward and shot a few Seraphon, but then on the Seraphon turn they advanced back then charged into the Stormcast, causing a hefty chunk of casualties.
I brought on Yndrasta to try and take out the big Seraphon general. She's a monster hunter with huge bonuses on killing monsters.
Ah. Oh dear. It's like that, is it?
I did charge forward and take out a unit of Skinks with my spear troops, but a lot of other troops elsewhere were dying horribly...
On the right flank, my other spear unit had been whittled down by shooting, and the survivors had charged the skinks. They cut down a chunk of them, but the wait of numbers pulled down all but the hero...
Which led to a somewhat cartoon moment of the hero beating up the small lizards not realising their big cousin was bearing down on them...
So, unsurprisingly, I lost my first game. It seems like advancing on the first turn is bad? I'm sure there's something clever you should do.
Did I have fun? Yes. It was good fun and I could see the broad shape of how the game is meant to play. That said, I was spending most of the game wishing that I was throwing my minions in front of me, chewing glowing green rocks, and screaming "more-more power" at my unreliable wonder weapons before they explode.
In short, I really want to get my Skaven on the table...