Friday 6 September 2024

Warhammer 40,000 Crusade Battle Report: Astra Militarum vs Adeptus Mechanicus

The campaign continues...

The Tallarn "Seventeenth" picked a quiet looking planet to 'invade' to try and get some level of redemption for their absolutely terrible showing in the campaign so far. Unfortunately, their efforts to find an isolated spot to set up a base were interrupted by having picked a spot a lost force of Skitarii were searching to try and find some kind of radio to communicate with their higher ups.

We were playing a custom mission, with multiple locations to search for the "real" objective with a dice roll. You could score any objective before the real objective was found, but the moment the real objective was found, that was the only point to score.

Of course, the Skitarii immediately found their radio on the objective on the furthest left flank, that was hardest for my troops to reach...

In the centre, the Leman Russ Executioner sought to take out the Skitarii transport to stop it reinforcing the main objective.

While the Hellhound put the hurt on the Skitarii holding the objectives, the Armoured Sentinels tried to take some wounds off the the Onager Dunecrawler.

In the centre, my disgraced commander managed to prove himself to his troops by holding the centre for a brief moment before being absolutely wrecked by killer servitors.

The right flank was over-run by Rust Stalkers killing everyone in sight.

While the Hellhound was attacked by a Mechanicus walker, it wasn't able to cause much damage.

As the Onager's super death ray thing picked off one tank at a time, the walker fled fighting the Hellhound to charge into the Sentinels that were bullying the surviving Skitarii, and managed to swing the fight in favour of the Mechanicus.

With few Guard survivors, but honour restored to a couple of disgraced units, the Astra Militarum withdrew from the field, leaving the Skitarii delighted to have finally recovered a working radio...

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Infinity Battle Report: Clicking with Combined Army

A little while back I knocked together a quick Combined Army list to get a feel for the faction. It wasn't particular complicated, just a standard set of support pieces built around the Charontid HMG and the Anathematic Hacker.

We were practicing Unmasking ahead of Red Star Blues, and my opponent (who wasn't playing the tournament as they are TOing) brought their Acontecimento force. The main threats were a Tigbalang and a Knight of Montesa.

I was lucky enough to take out the Tikbalang due to it being a little bit over-extended, at which point I started throwing warbands at the engineer who'd come forward to push a button until one of them succeeded.

On a cheeky off chance, I had my Dartok speculatively fire a Pitcher into the Montesa, and managed to successfully isolate it. It was later able to reset itself out of it, but it certainly stopped a rampage early on!

In the end, I started pushing my Anathematic forward to push some buttons and target some decoys, but by this point I'd lost too many models for it to have enough orders to get forward and get the job done.

Overall, it was a slightly unusual game, in that I managed to outgun a PanOceania force in many ways, but my opponent managed to stay true to the mission and get more of the objectives than I did! While I wasn't successful, it felt to me like the Combined Army really clicked for me as a faction and a lot of the models who have a particular role were doing well in their roles individually. I need to spend a bit more time understanding how they work together in a force, but all in all I'm very happy that I'm headed in the right direction.

Monday 2 September 2024

Going places and doing things?

So, it's been a pretty busy week, all told. I've been Going Out and Doing Things an awful lot, which meant that I haven't had a huge amount of time to get any hobby done. I did manage to do a bunch of tidying on the hobby desk so it didn't look quite this bad, but I think it's deteriorated again as I sorted my KR cases to work out what models I was taking out and how I was packing them.

Early in the week I did grab a few of my Combined army models who needed basing material adding to get that done.

The basing material takes a long while to dry, so getting it done early means that when the weather breaks to allow some undercoating, they can be ready to go.

Wednesday night I had a practice game for Saturday's tournament. I took a bunch of profiles I haven't tried before to see if they were good. My opponent hadn't played in a while, but brought a pretty tasty Tohaa list, and some models didn't survive long enough for me to determine if they're good or not. One that did was the Rindak, a heavy infantry paramedic who can deploy into the midfield. He's pretty tough, and while he was eventually taken out, he's a tough nut to crack and I'm keen to try him out again.

The other model I tried out was the Caskuda I'd just assembled. It has to drop in, and with the table we had and not having been able to clear reaction pieces, I had nowhere good to drop it in. I went after the sniper who was pinning me down, but it just got exploded by reactions before it could really do anything.

Saturday was Red Star Blues at HATE (Hackney Area Tabletop Enthusiasts). It was a three round tournament with Frontline, Unmasking and Firefight. I was bringing my vanilla Combined again. I'll write up what happened later - I've got other blog posts planned for this week, but maybe next week?

Sunday was a Bring and Buy at HATE. I went up to the storage unit and picked up a bunch of stuff I'd packed up previously before getting a cab down to the club.

It was a pretty productive day clearing things out. I sold enough bits and pieces to cover the cab ride from the storage unit and the cab ride home, so its a net success. It was good to get back to selling things.

This many things to do in a week was massively exhausting. It was all fun and productive, but also A Lot. I definitely feel like a bit of a rest after all that!

Friday 30 August 2024

Warhammer 40,000 Crusade Battle Report: Astra Militarum vs Dark Angels (Watchers of the Fall)


The Tallarn XVI, concerned their Necron 'landlords' might be a bit upset about them losing a whole bunch of Necron territory, decided to go on the offensive, while staying on the Necron home planet. Unfortunately for the Tallarn, they ended up running into a bunch of angry looking Dark Angels ?Successors? coming the other way...

This mission was all about seizing some objectives, and the Dark Angel bikes were quick and effective at doing so, with the Guard on the defensive.

They also had a Vindicator for close support, which ended up covering one of the objectives and heavily damaging the Tallarn Chimera.

The Hellhound swept up to counter attack, causing a chunk of damage but not really finishing anything off.

Near the Hellhound, the Deathwatch arrived to counter its advance.

While the Infantry squad piled out of the Chimera to take the objective.

The counter-attack from the assault squad was swift and merciless...

Bikes poured onto the Guard squad holding the central objective...

The Terminators neutralised the Hellhound...

And it wasn't long before the Guard positions were over-whelmed, with the Manticore getting charged and taken out by the bike squad. In the end, while I'd scored a few points holding objectives (my best result so far) it was a 100-30 loss, with every Guard unit lost. I took three Battle Scars, paying for one to be removed immediately to prevent it wrecking a unit, but leaving the others on for the next game...

Wednesday 28 August 2024

Infinity Battle Report: Are Jayth Cutthroats Any Good? (No)

A while back, now, I arranged a game of Infinity and decided to dip back into Shasvastii to look at the "Jayth Cutthroat" profile. These are lightly armoured, one wound models who are excellent in close combat, have some good mid and short ranged shooting profiles, are incredibly hard to hit and have a visor to help them shoot enemy models that are hard to hit.

I took a Haris, with one armed with a Red Fury, another Chain Rifles, and the last a specialist with a shotgun. I deployed them defensively on the left flank with the intention of advancing once things that threatened them had been dealt with.

My opponent and I had a whole bunch of back and forth, trading pieces. My Speculo and my Noctifer both got a bit of piece trading done to clear out threats to the Jayth, and the Taigha cleared others.

However, by the time it came for the Jayth to push up the table, I didn't really have enough orders left to complete the mission. They are very vulnerable to template weapons that don't need to roll to hit, which means deploying them cagily, which in turn means that they're not really pulling their weight in a list.

I'm not sticking with Shasvastii at the moment, but it was good to pull out some profiles that people say are probably bad and have some experience as to why

Monday 26 August 2024

Assembly Line

Just a couple of hobby things this week. First up, the Frameworks Kobolds got a white undercoat before the weather broke. It's a job ticked off and that makes me happy.

Meanwhile, working through the Combined Army models I had still in packaging, I've worked through assembling the Caskuda. This is a TAG (dreadnought sized model) that can drop into the middle of the table during the game. It's of dubious use and quality, but got discontinued at the start of the third edition, so it's return late in fourth edition caused quite a bit of nostalgia among players who've been playing longer than I have.

I just assembled it because it's box was the largest one in my "to do" pile, and I wanted to work through stuff.

Monday 19 August 2024

Overcoming insurmountable hurdles

As a "nice easy" start to my holiday hobby, I decided to assemble the Wizkids Frameworks Kobolds set. I got them out of their box ages back and it was starting to annoy me. Oh my goodness these were a faff to assemble!

The feet were separate to the legs, with the torso, tail, head and arms all separate. Some had two part heads, and some needed things gluing into their hands, or a two handed weapon lined up across the two arms.

So rather than the Kobolds being a quick assembly job on the first day of the holiday, it took me all week to finally get them done, as they were so fiddly I kept on needing to take breaks.

All in all, I'm not impressed with these Frameworks kits. They're pricey for what they are, the detail is pretty soft, and they're far, far too difficult to assemble for a kit that's supposed to be the next step up for people after pre-assembled miniatures. Better options exist in plastic, resin and 3D printing, depending on your preference.

On Sunday, I'd arranged an Infinity game where I was running vanilla Combined Army. As I mentioned last week, they're my planned first force for N5 in October. Mid-week, I wrote a list using Bit and Kiss, who I hadn't assembled yet. And then, at 10pm on Saturday, the Kobolds finally finished, I remembered I hadn't done my Infinity assembly.

My goodness, was I pleased to see two part assemblies when I opened the blister.

All in all, it took me about 20 - 25 minutes to get them both cleaned assembled, including cutting the holes in the bases for their slotta tabs. That was an absolute delight after the Kobolds, and really reinvigorated my hobby keen immediately.

Of course, first thing Sunday morning, I had an idea, changed my list, and ended up not needing to take Bit and Kiss. Because of course. But it's two more models assembled, and my keen restored...

Monday 12 August 2024

Breaks and holidays

I've not been posting on the blog much. I've played a few games, been playing Flesh and Blood, doing some tidying of the flat and LARPing. The blog is a hobby, too, and while I generally keep to a good regular update schedule, I don't want it to be a job. Sometimes a break is better than letting something stop being fun.

As of today, I've got two weeks of holiday from work, and I'm having a staycation. There is some tidying around the flat I do want to get done, but I want to have some rest, and get some painting done. High on the "to do" list is reducing the number of trays of miniatures that are out to "work on next". I'm not working on most of them next, so they need to go away to where they live.

There's a few half finished miniatures on the painting table that I should finish up. A Battletech Lance, a D&D adventurer and a handful of Halflings shouldn't take long.

Corvus Belli have just announced N5 - the next edition of Infinity - and it's going to be in October. I'm not going to have time to get my Nomads painted for then, but I reckon over the course of this holiday I should be able to blitz my Vanilla Combined Army and get my Nomad test paints done so I know what the Nomad paint scheme is going to be...

First up, though, are these Wizkids Kobolds I threw away the box for ages ago, and are still on their sprue. The Bretonnian Men at Arms are also getting a firm side eye as something in need of assembling, but they're a bit further down the list. Lets see how we go...

Thursday 8 August 2024

Purest Nostalgia

One of the first places I came across wargaming miniatures was "Toy Town" in Leamington Spa, a much missed large independent toy store that had a wide range of wargaming figures tucked away in one corner. I "wasn't old enough" for the miniatures, but I would spend entire shopping visits reading the unit backgrounds and stats of the miniatures, day dreaming about what it all meant in the days before I owned the rules.

So when I saw that Prince Ulther's Dragon Company was going up on "Made to Order", and they had specific mercenary rules for Warhammer: The Old World, I simply couldn't resist. A quick google search tells me that folk who understand the game think that they're uncompetitive, overequipped and not much actual use - but I suspect that's what most of the old named units were back then as well...

The blisters (which don't photo well) come with a little leaflet with their rules, and the command blister comes with a paper sheet with a cut out flag on. The idea of cutting that out absolutely terrifies me... There's a non zero chance I may scan and print it at a high resolution so I can make a mistake and not destroy it.

There's four command figures, which came as a set - Prince Ulther, a Champion, Standard Bearer and Musician. They come with solid plastic shields, while the originals had tabs that became the shield boss, so they'll need filing down if you want to use the shields they come with.

In Warhammer: The Old World, they also go on 25mm bases rather than 20mm bases, so if you're buying them for older editions you'll want to find your own bases, too.

The line troops come as a set of five, with three different sculpts. These nearly-monopose single piece metal troopers are one of my "missed nostalgias" - I only got into playing from 4th edition, so didn't end up with many of this era of troops. I have such a happy vibe from these miniatures turning up. They're not for everyone, but they've really brought me joy this week.

If this is your jam and you're flush with cash, these are still available from the Warhammer online store until 8am, Monday 12 August. I ordered these early on so got some of the sets they'd already cast up. You'll get yours within six months, so it won't be quite such immediate gratification. They are a teensy bit pricey, and if you're willing to hunt around you may be able to find originals cheaper, but I was willing to pay for the convenience, and they are making me happy.