
Monday, 7 March 2016

A new basing experiment

Long term followers of the blog will know that I've previously experimented with Agrellan Earth with varied degrees of success. The Bloodletter experiment mostly lead me to swear that all crackle bases would be done separately to the model...

So, with a big unit of Forsaken needing assembling for my Warriors of Chaos, I decided to dig out the pot that had been languishing in a bag for over a year and give it another go.

My old pot seemed to have separated out a bunch. So I used a clay shaper to ladle the stuff onto the bases in random blobs to see how it turned out.

An experiment with pouring it ended . . . poorly. As I was trying to catch up on TV at the coffee table at the time, a sweet wrapper was swiftly used to avoid getting paint everywhere. I did have to be rescued. It was a little embarrassing.

I put some new lumps on the two failed experiments and then left them to dry overnight.

In the morning, it was looking pretty positive! The separation you want from Agrellan Earth had happened, and it was time to do the rest of the work.

Here they are ready for models - I used a few rocks from a Games Workshop basing kit, Vallejo Coarse Pumice and Vallejo Sandy Paste.

The next step will be to pin the assembled models to them, then undercoat the lot before painting.


  1. Good idea not covering the whole base with the stuff. Did you manage to have agrellan earth stick to the base properly? When I tried it tended to detach and flake.

    1. Note I've undercoated it before using the Agrellan Earth?

      With the bloodletter, it was looking very insecure, but once I applied a coat of spray varnish, masking the figure, it was fine.

  2. Can't wait to see it painted up! But wait a second... Did you say forsaken.. for warriors of chaos!? lol

    1. Yup - the start of my Warriors of Chaos force. Check out my projects page for a few more words about it.

  3. Yeah I only sanded the base a little before using it. Will try again with undercoat on first.
