
Tuesday, 15 March 2016

Changeling Proxy finished, and a bit of a dilemma

So, this little trouble maker is why the blog wasn't up on Monday. I'd taken the original photo to display him, and suddenly spotted a horrible splodge of purple on the orb he's holding! I couldn't cope with this, so had to take some time to fix him, by which point it was too late to finish the blog post.

He's a demonic familiar from Heresy Miniatures. I'm using him as a proxy for a Changeling in Malifaux until the correct model comes out. The base is a Scibor "rocky" base. I spent a bit of time on the base experimenting with washing and stippling, and enjoyed learning a few new tricks I might be able to use.

I also learned a little bit about going the extra mile. Here's an earlier version of our creepy little friend, back when I spotted that splodge of purple on the band of the metallic gubbins he's holding. When I patched it up, I also did a teeny bit of edge highlighting in Runefang Steel to bring up the metal, and I think it really worked. Before I even did this, I'd asked my wife for feedback, and she felt the face was too dark. That resulted in the highlight on the lips, and the yellow edge highlights on the bottom lines of the hood side flaps, and over the joint of the nose and eyes - again, adding stronger, better highlights to a tiny extent really improving a model!

My weekend productivity was helped by, when I finally did get down to some serious Forsaken assembly, setting up my iPad to watch the Beasts of War 2015 Gaming Awards, then their latest Infinity battle report for Operation Flamestrike.

I found this particularly helpful as it meant I had a second thing to focus on while I scraped mould lines clean, but also it meant I didn't get tempted to read blogs, Twitter, Facebook and G+. I suspect that if I was actually manage to focus for longer, I'd get a lot more done. I'm hoping that the watching videos plan improves productivity.

Meanwhile, my most productive avenue for Getting Stuff Done, the ever reliable Paying Someone Else To Do It has continued with a bit of assembly. I decided to give Peachey Models a go to start clearing some assembly work. I started out with these desert insurgents by Miniatures of the North. They came back well assembled for the price - a tiny bit of clean up missed (less than I'd usually miss and have to fix halfway through painting) and one gun knocked off by my particularly brutal local post office.

But this leaves me with a problem. I'd originally planned to use these as chaos cultists . . . but they just don't feel right for that. There's nine of them, so they don't suit as Imperial Guard veterans. I think they might work as a "Renegade Marauders" squad from either the Lost and the Damned or Tyrant's Legion list - but I don't know off hand how many models that needs.

I really like the models and want to paint them and think they deserve to see some table use - I'm just hard pressed to work out what to use them for...

Anyone got any suggestions?


  1. Warmachine Idrian skirmishers?

    1. Good shout, but if I start Warmachine, then my insides will swiftly become outsides.

  2. Chaos cultists = Alpha Legion insurgents?

    1. I'm running Iron Warriors, and they're more raggedy hordes pressganged into service to find the minefields and identify enemy gun positions by being shot.

  3. That familiar is a nasty look'n fella isn't he! You did a very fine paint job on him :)

    1. I quite like him. I do have the problem that every time I take a photo, I spot something else I want to go back and tinker with!

  4. They could be just chaos cultists.

    Or 4th Gen 'stealer hybrids.

  5. I'd go down the cultist route too. And I love that little familiar chap. Very nice. But the big news is you're no longer reading blogs. Without you, mine will go almost completely unread. It's a disaster!

    1. Don't worry - I'm still reading blogs! Just not when I should be painting. :-)
