
Monday, 23 March 2020

It's not just time!

A couple of weeks ago, I snapped this quick photo of a bunch of my Dahshat Company that I'd got out ahead of a game of Infinity down at Dark Sphere. In the end, as the COVID-19 thing was starting to escalate a bit, we decided to be cautious and cancel the game.

Last weekend had been down in my calendar as a massive hobbying weekend for a while. While a lot of my future commitments were getting cancelled my immediate plans remained exactly the same - stay in, paint a ton of minis, feel good about life.

In the end, I played a lot of Skyrim.

You see, reader, it turns out that simply having time isn't sufficient to actually get miniatures assembled and painted. You also need some self discipline, motivation and a plan. I found myself, last weekend, just . . . not . . . quite . . . summoning the motivation to sit down at the hobby desk. I finally did at about half four on the Sunday.

I got a few little bits done - I assembled the classic pit fighter a couple of photos up and got his basing sand on. Hopefully today I'll get his undercoat down. I also got a second prospector done, although he's got a horrid join line on his head I need to sort out with liquid green stuff before I undercoat him. Malifaux fits are usually much better than that so I think I might have done something wrong.

I also got a whole bunch of progress on the creepy cherub for my Inquisition. I'm hoping by next week he'll be done.

So I need to have a little bit of a think about how to try and give myself a sense of structure now I'm working from home for the foreseeable future. (I reckon three months minimum at this rate.) If anyone has any good suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them.

With the prospector done apart from the green stuff, I dug out the crates I picked up from the estate of one of HATE. I'm going to paint them up for the club terrain when we can meet up again, and they're well overdue.

If you check out my "on the desk" page, you'll see that I've completely wrecked my "don't buy more than you've painted" rule. A combination of a massive sale on some soiled box Infinity and a panic buy of a Skaven army box has put me well in the red. I was psychologically setting myself up that it would be fine as I'd get tons painted last weekend, but that hasn't materialised.

Guess I just need to work out how to paint more often now I've got more time available to do it in.

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