Thursday, 6 March 2025

Infinity Campaign Game: 250 point Custom Mission, Shasvastii vs O-12

Our club Infinity campaign continues. My Shasvastii were sent to face O-12 in a custom mission where you needed to upload data on consoles and photograph enemy troops. (I believe put together from the YAMS system.) There was also a special mission rule that meant that there was a visual mod if you shot over a long distance.

I based my list around two small fireteams. The first was a Gwailo with Heavy Rocket Launcher, Victor Messer and a Jayth, the second was a Nox HMG, Tensho and Aida Swanson. I'd lost the Lieutenant roll and my opponent had elected to go first.

O-12 had the first turn, and the Nimrod went for a Super Jump, shooting my Q-drone as part of the move. Some unlucky dice meant that the Nimrod went down, with my reaction remote still up and active.

My opponent then moved into "making my life difficult", and moved a Gangbuster up, deployed a Madtrap to cover my fireteam, and headed back to a little nook again. As my list lacked Taighas, I broke the fireteam apart, had the Jayth idle to trigger the Madtrap, then successfully dodged it. I had a servant remote close enough if I'd messed it up.

My Shrouded then took out the Cyberghost who'd moved up to lay a pitcher down.

And finally, my Jayth Cutthroat managed to push the button on the console. Well. They failed all the WIP rolls so didn't score me points. But they spent time there, so at least they were contributing. I couldn't send Victor up there as it was covered by a Repeater. While the hacker was down, there was still a Killer Hacker lurking about somewhere.

A Raptor then came up and sent his flamethower buddy into the team. Uh oh. This is "sub optimal".

End result: Victor Messer dead. Gwailo Lieutenant dead. Jayth has dived into close combat with the robot to stop getting set on fire himself.

The rest of the game passed pretty quickly as I didn't have a whole ton of stuff left. The Jayth finally pushed the button on the console, uploading some data or something.

A hidden deployed Razor also showed up to make the mid field a sadder place for me.

In the end, with me having the last turn, I needed to photograph the Raptor, move around him, and then push a second console button to win. Sadly the Jayth, needing a 19 or less on a D20 to get the photograph, managed to roll a 20, meaning I didn't have enough orders to get to the second console. I took the remaining photo, tying the game, but was just a little short on the win.

All in all, it was a good game. Taking a Gwailo Lieutenant without backup is not smart, but I was limited by the points available for the mission. The Gwailo / Jayth link seems excellent, and I want to give it a bit more of a test run soon.

Monday, 3 March 2025

End of month check in, and Marching forward

February has been really busy. I went to Tinbot III in Norwich, I've been busy having a clear out on eBay, I played a bunch of games at the club again, and my work was really rather busy as well. That did mean I didn't get quite as much painted as I'd have liked, but it was still a good month for hobby all told.

I got Dukash painted early in the month for the tournament, and he did well in one of the games I played him in..

The Tiefling Warlock also let me experiment with a possible Morat red skintone, but while I liked this one for the Tiefling it's not what I'm looking for for my Morats, so I'll try something else on another model until I work out what I'm looking for.

I had a bit of a painting stall for a couple of weeks after that. A mix of being exhausted after work, spending more time playing games, and prioritising getting stuff listed on eBay to sell over painting meant I didn't get anything else finished. This is fine. It's about priorities, and things being out of the flat before we move is more important than a few extra miniatures getting painted.

That said, the goal for March is to finish my half finished jobs - both these part painted models, but also finishing those half assembled Exrah that I abandoned out of frustration a while back. Which I definitely need to space out given . . . you know, that giving up in frustration issue I mentioned.

I also got in my first ever game of Frostgrave, which I'll write up on the blog later. It's a fun, swingy game that I really enjoyed. I think it's too random to try and make it competitive, which helps keep the pressure off.

I also picked up the John Blanche paint sets from Army Painter at the end of the month which I'm planning on using in some projects in the future. I'm pondering doing my Imperial Agents in a limited palette scheme using these paints but I'll need to do some test models to decide if that's the right call or not.

Thursday, 27 February 2025

Tinbot III Infinity Tournament

At the start of the month I headed up to Norwich to play in the "Tinbot" tournament that was running there. I headed up the night before to avoid an early start and spent some time resorting my token box having managed to drop it some months ago and not taken the time to fix it.

I was running vanilla Combined Army with one 10 model list intended for Supremacy, and then the list I'd run a practice game with for the other two missions.

Game 1: Supremacy

For the first round, I drew against Copper, a very skilled Combined Army player. I had the first turn, but my Speculo Killer got hemmed in by a Libertos Minelayer, and my Q drone was wildly ineffective.

Dukash and Sheskiin managed to flank my Rindak so he couldn't avoid getting shot in the back, and I was definitely ending up on the back foot.

My Rasyat dropped onto the board edge and sadly was broadly ineffective and ended up failing to take out the Q drone and being taken out in return. I'd spent quite a few orders that hadn't turned into the loss of a huge number of orders for Copper, although I did manage to complete my classified.

The Charontid pushed up the vain hope of scoring some points, getting shot up by the Q drone on the way as his plasma rifle was thoroughly outranged, but I was running out of units and was getting out manoeuvred. 

Without much further opposition, Copper neatly pushed plenty of buttons, set up defensive positions and was able to resist my quite weak turn 3 push to solidly secure the game 10-1.

Game 2

Next up was Capture and Protect, against solomon0997, a returning player from N3 who was running Yu Jing. I won the Lieutenant roll and chose deployment to push to get the second turn.

In the first turn, I was showered with Tiger Soldiers, but fortunately a couple of failed Combat Jump rolls meant that only one got close to the beacon, and wasn't quite able to make it into base contact.

In return, I decided to try and push to get Dukash onto the beacon to score some first turn points. Sadly, while he fought most of the way up, he bit off a little more than he could chew and fell on the last order that would have secured him the box.

My opponent then tried to push onto the beacon with his Hac Tao. Sadly, as my opponent was still getting the hang of the rules after a long break, the game was far enough behind that the TO curtailed his second turn so I'd have a turn as well. These things happen sometimes - my opponent was lovely and not doing any intentional mischief, just needing a little too long to work out what to do at this point.

I then engaged in some relatively swift on table violence - a Daturazi cleared a Ninja, threw a smoke to block a Reaction Remote, and then Sheskiin moved up the field. She eliminated a couple of Shaolin, cleared the reaction remote when she got into a good range, and moved up to capture the console to give me the win for this game.

Game 3

For the third game, I was delighted to be paired against my buddy Jarval, the reason I started coming to Norwich events. The final mission was Unmasking, and he was running Kosmoflot.

Having trouble clearing my Q Drone, Jarval resorted to smoke grenades to get up the table, and scored an early decoy before pulling back to not get gunned down.

Agent Dukash then redeemed his appalling run of luck in the games I've run him in so far as he walked out, took out a Volkolak ARO piece, one of the bears, and a Kosmosoldat. It was an absolutely brutal turn that I think left Jarval a little shell shocked!

He returned the favour by air dropping a werewolf onto me. It wasn't quite as destructive, but I lost a chunk of my backline to an angry werewolf.

I then scored a decoy by berserking a Daturazi into it, but Margot and the second bear did away with the Daturazi before it could do any more damage.

My Libertos tried to clear the other decoy and got blinded. Oh deary me.

It was time for Sheskiin to do her thing... She moved up the field, finding an angle to pick off Margot before she could cause any more trouble.

She then worked her way up, dodged around a corner, and engaged the designated target. The poor civilian had no chance and was eaten by this awful alien, before she charged into the bear to pin it down and stop it causing too much damage.

Duroc worked his way around to get smoke down onto the Q drone, but it sadly left not quite enough orders for Kosmoflot to score back the boxes they needed, and the game ended with a Combined victory, 8-4.

It was a great event, held in a school cafeteria that had been booked out for the Saturday. I finished 4th out of 10 players, and would absolutely recommend them to anyone who plays Infinity who can reasonably travel to Norwich. I sadly can't make their next one, but intend to make it up again in the future when time allows.

Monday, 24 February 2025

Overcoming brain weasels and finding joy

It has been a bit of a rotten week, and I'd stalled out a bit on painting. I've been working on my plans for 10th edition Astra Militarum, plus considering paint schemes for my Nomads and Bretonnians. I'm also really keen to get the Aenor Goblins that have been my Cursed Side Project for too long now.

I was getting to feel like I had a lot of painting I should be doing, and that was making it feel like a chore. So, one evening I grabbed some miniatures I wasn't at all invested in and just threw some contrast on them.

This Conquest Games Hedge Witch ended up being the one I got the furthest into. If you look closely there's a few spots I've missed on the base coats, but it's not far off getting finished up. It'll probably be one short paint session to finish her up.

I got in my Infinity campaign game for this round, playing a 250 point custom mission with my Shasvastii, and trying out some profiles for the new edition. More on that later.

I've also had a couple of arrivals in the post, too. First up are these miniatures from Black Magic Craft. They're produced in short runs, so when I saw a post mentioning they were available, I couldn't resist.

I also had this Bad Squiddo Pulp Heroines Kickstarter arrive. It's a nice, small set of six figures. I was thinking I didn't have much to use them for, but Annie has done a partnership with Forbidden Psalm to have free rules to use them in Last War or Endless Horrors from Between the Stars. That suddenly makes them a nice quick project with a purpose, which is quite exciting. I'm sort of day dreaming about how to base them, which is probably a good sign.

Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Tournament Practice: Combined Army vs Steel Phalanx

With a tournament at the weekend, I arranged to get in a practice game with one of my club mates. We were practicing Capture and Protect as the mission I'd played the least out of the three at the tournament.

I was up against Steel Phalanx, who'd taken first turn, and had Ajax as their reserve drop. He forward deploys now. Could that be a problem?

Ajax spent his first turn running up, using smoke and positioning to kill Sheskiin. Which was deeply unfortunate for me as Sheskiin was my Lieutenant, so I started my first turn in Loss of Lieutenant.

Never mind, I'll just have Agent Dukash walk on the back board edge using my Warhorse orders. He'll be fine. Whiffed against a Servant Remote, you say? Immobilised in place by a 3 point peripheral you didn't respect? That's deeply unfortunate.

Maybe the Libertos can . . . nope, he's discovered.

Well, at least the Dartok can drop a Repeater from his Pitcher and immobilise Ajax before he does any more damage...

Agamemnon then led the charge to lock down the Combined Army. Unfortunately, my inability to stop rolling critical hits helped me significantly here, with two crits in my first ARO, and continuing along that vein for several orders.

Eventually, however, the luck had to run out, and the Q drone was down.

To make sure the pesky remote didn't get back up again, an Ekdromoi dropped in, jet packed over, and took out the Med-Tech. Who . . . was my new Lieutenant. Oh dear.

There wasn't much I could do on my second turn really. I locked down Ajax but that was about it. Agent Dukash got out of his immobilised state just in time to get gunned down by Agamemnon.

Phoenix then fought his way up the board, getting held up a little bit by a Libertos, but he was not to be denied.

The fireteam reached the console and got in place to score it. The kicking I'd received meant I started my third turn in Loss of Lieutenant, and while the Dartok tried to run back and deny the scoring, it was no good...

Despite the horror, I did manage to score my classified, which is pretty good going for two turns in Loss of Lieutenant and one in Retreat... I learned a couple of lessons about positioning and the vulnerabilities of my two main attack pieces, so it was a productive evening of having terrible things happen to my models so I could play better at a tournament...