Friday, 21 March 2025

Infinity Battle Report: Firefight, Shasvastii vs O-12

I've been playing quite a few games of Infinity to "get my eye in", as it were, with the new edition. With the Tinbot tournament in the past I'm focused in on Shasvastii now. I had a game arranged with one of the club, running O-12, and our pick of mission was Firefight.

I decided to try running the Sphinx this game. It did mean I was a bit lacking in other attack pieces due to a lack of points. I'm sure that wouldn't be a problem...

I snuck a Shrouded Hacker up the field to tuck into a nook in a building and complete the Mapping Classified.

I then sent the Sphinx up to clear some ARO pieces

However, I over-reached a little bit and got caught in the open in a crossfire as the Sphinx moved up, taking two damage. With my engineer in the same group, I didn't have the orders to bring it up to repair this turn, so I needed to get back into cover and survive until next turn.

Unfortunately, I managed to catch another damage as I tried to move out of sight, falling unconscious. In the hope of keeping it alive, I moved my Q drone over to defend it.

My opponent proceeded to drop their speedballs on my right flank to enable his attack there.

The Shrouded who'd completed the Mapping objective was hunted down by an angry Varangian.

As the O-12 forces advanced, my Taiga started dodging towards them. They picked the speedballs, but managed to glue Victor Messer in place. Inconvenient.

Still, the Taiga got into the attacking piece to hold up it's attack run.

To keep me from repairing my Sphinx, a Crusher arrived and took out my servant remote.

The Crusher then moved around and took out my T-drone guided missile remote as well. I was really starting to run out of attack vectors!

The other Varangian came up to help out the O-12 unit my Taiga was pinning down, and managed to take it out with the extra dice from their buddy.

The Crusher went to take out my R-drone, but got stunned.

That was about all my luck, as my Q drone also got mushed.

I ended up needing to use my Mentor Lieutenant to clear some turrets in my turn, but with all the casualties I'd taken, didn't manage to get much else done. Including "get my Lieutenant clear" - he went down to the Varangian who'd killed the Shrouded, meaning I spent my third turn in Loss of Lieutenant.

Victor was still glued, so was picked off...

I managed to use command tokens to get my Doctor Worm up the the table to Gizmokit the Spinx, and score me a classified. But I didn't really have the orders to do anything else. A Varangian came up and tried to punch out the Sphinx, but it turned out it could punch pretty hard, got lucky, and managed to take out the Varangian.

In the end, it wasn't enough - I'd scored a couple of classifieds but had lost more points, more specialists, and not scored Panoplies.

So, I certainly mis-used the Sphinx here and tried to fight multiple things at bad range without enough orders to get away again. I also probably had the wrong support package for it. I'm still not sure if the Sphinx has a good place in Shasvastii right now. I'll probably try a few other bits and pieces before coming back to it.

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