Monday 21 October 2024

Red Star Blues: Project Sunset

Back in August, during "Infinity Global Week", Hackney Area Tabletop Enthusiasts (HATE) hosted the latest in the "Red Star Blues" series of Infinity tournaments run by our very own Yashar. I decided to bring Combined Army after my enjoyable test game with them. (There is a test game I'm not blogging because "getting straight up annihilated by Tohaa" didn't have much story to tell, beyond "the Caskuda is not a great pick.")

The first game was against Peakede, who went on the win the tournament. It's been a while since the tournament so I've forgotten what faction he was playing - vanilla ALEPH, maybe? It's not helped that the only photo I've taken with a clear shot of one of his models shows a Libertos.

Said Libertos did a run on me on my first turn and picked off my Nexus Lieutenant who I had clearly not quite protected enough. So it was a rough game. Peakede was playing a top level game and I did not have answers for it!

How rough? Well, it was Frontline, and my last turn viable play was to try and run my Raicho up into the centre zone, vaulting some low structures on the way and taking some unpleasant amounts of ARO. Of all the things, it ended up getting Immobilised too far from the centre zone to score, so I took a resounding 10-0 loss.

Second game, I got the bye, but one of the club was on hand to give you a friendly game rather than sit about. He was running Steel Phalanx, and the mission was Unmasking.

It's probably a good thing it was a bye, because I simply couldn't stop Steel Phalanx pushing buttons and smushing targets into the ground. I was having trouble clearing the ARO pieces, and the time I spent doing that meant I didn't have many orders left to do the actual mission...

In the end, I wasn't winning, and couldn't even get the Anathematic far enough to take out a target and score a few points to bring my score up. That said, it was a really fun, back and forth game, just one I didn't score many actual points in...

The final game was a straight up Firefight, and I was facing khayne666, a former club local who's sadly moved away, but had come back to visit for the tournament. He was also running vanilla Combined, so it was time for an interesting (and rather scary) mirror match.

After weathering the first turn, I decided to concentrate my efforts on scoring my classifieds - sending my Anathematic to score two HVT classifieds, and Dr Worm to repair a broken remote. My logic was that it was going to be a bloody game, so I was better off scoring things that needed specific models early in case they weren't around later to score them.

This turned out to be the right call as khayne666 was quick to deal with the Anathematic before it could do any more damage.

The last turn saw a final attempt to take out my Charontid Lieutenant, this time with a Cube Jaeger parachutist. It had a rough run to take out some guards on the way, but was making it through...

Fortunately, I'd had a spare order to put the Charontid into suppressive fire, so when the Cube Jaeger came a-calling, he needed to win a gunfight before getting to use his terrifying close combat weapon. Fortunately, the weight of fire took him down, meaning my Lieutenant was safe.

Not super sure I had the game in the bag as I'd lost quite a lot of points and knew quite a few of the models I'd killed had been cheap warbands, I decided it was time to go all in. We ended up in a gunfight between our two Lieutenant Charontids, and fortunately, as I was the active player, I had the edge and swung the game in my favour, ending it 7-1 to me.

At the prize ceremony I was delighted to discover that I'd won the most "favourite game" votes, which Red Star Blues holds up as the highest award in the tournament, as everyone's there to have fun. I'm genuinely touched to have won it, as it reassures me people are having fun playing games with me, no matter what my treacherous brain might be worrying about.

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