Imperial Guard

My Imperial Guard are my longest standing army, which I've had since I was at school. I only really got any of them painted (with my wife's help) for a Throne of Skulls event many years ago. Since then I started expanding the army myself, painting things up a unit at a time.

It's now 10th edition, and I've started playing in a Crusade Campaign, which is good fun.

A lot of my models have bad weapon selections for this edition, and many have quite poor paint schemes and I could definitely do a lot better.

The current jobs  that need doing on my first 1,000 points are:
  • Buy and paint two Plasma Pistol Sergeants
  • Convert two Vox Caster Troopers
  • Replace the Demolisher with one with Sponsons (I could add sponsons but kind of don't want to)
I also have some Chimera who could do with having Hunter Killer Missiles added and then painting, and I should look at getting some extra special weapons for my Militarum Tempestus - then I can add them to my roster.

Newer models I'm tempted by include the new Cadians and the new Death Corps of Krieg, at least to start. I'd also love to get a Baneblade at some point.

There's also the clear out that needs to happen, from obsolete models that I don't have a use for, or badly painted tanks I would rather get new ones of than sort sponsons for then repaint.

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