Monday 19 August 2024

Overcoming insurmountable hurdles

As a "nice easy" start to my holiday hobby, I decided to assemble the Wizkids Frameworks Kobolds set. I got them out of their box ages back and it was starting to annoy me. Oh my goodness these were a faff to assemble!

The feet were separate to the legs, with the torso, tail, head and arms all separate. Some had two part heads, and some needed things gluing into their hands, or a two handed weapon lined up across the two arms.

So rather than the Kobolds being a quick assembly job on the first day of the holiday, it took me all week to finally get them done, as they were so fiddly I kept on needing to take breaks.

All in all, I'm not impressed with these Frameworks kits. They're pricey for what they are, the detail is pretty soft, and they're far, far too difficult to assemble for a kit that's supposed to be the next step up for people after pre-assembled miniatures. Better options exist in plastic, resin and 3D printing, depending on your preference.

On Sunday, I'd arranged an Infinity game where I was running vanilla Combined Army. As I mentioned last week, they're my planned first force for N5 in October. Mid-week, I wrote a list using Bit and Kiss, who I hadn't assembled yet. And then, at 10pm on Saturday, the Kobolds finally finished, I remembered I hadn't done my Infinity assembly.

My goodness, was I pleased to see two part assemblies when I opened the blister.

All in all, it took me about 20 - 25 minutes to get them both cleaned assembled, including cutting the holes in the bases for their slotta tabs. That was an absolute delight after the Kobolds, and really reinvigorated my hobby keen immediately.

Of course, first thing Sunday morning, I had an idea, changed my list, and ended up not needing to take Bit and Kiss. Because of course. But it's two more models assembled, and my keen restored...


  1. Bit and Kiss are fun. Looking forward to seeing your treatment of them.

    1. Given how little I got done last week, it might be a while! :)
