Friday 30 August 2024

Warhammer 40,000 Crusade Battle Report: Astra Militarum vs Dark Angels (Watchers of the Fall)


The Tallarn XVI, concerned their Necron 'landlords' might be a bit upset about them losing a whole bunch of Necron territory, decided to go on the offensive, while staying on the Necron home planet. Unfortunately for the Tallarn, they ended up running into a bunch of angry looking Dark Angels ?Successors? coming the other way...

This mission was all about seizing some objectives, and the Dark Angel bikes were quick and effective at doing so, with the Guard on the defensive.

They also had a Vindicator for close support, which ended up covering one of the objectives and heavily damaging the Tallarn Chimera.

The Hellhound swept up to counter attack, causing a chunk of damage but not really finishing anything off.

Near the Hellhound, the Deathwatch arrived to counter its advance.

While the Infantry squad piled out of the Chimera to take the objective.

The counter-attack from the assault squad was swift and merciless...

Bikes poured onto the Guard squad holding the central objective...

The Terminators neutralised the Hellhound...

And it wasn't long before the Guard positions were over-whelmed, with the Manticore getting charged and taken out by the bike squad. In the end, while I'd scored a few points holding objectives (my best result so far) it was a 100-30 loss, with every Guard unit lost. I took three Battle Scars, paying for one to be removed immediately to prevent it wrecking a unit, but leaving the others on for the next game...


  1. Good to see the Tallarn out for a fight 👍

    1. It's been good to take them out for a spin in the campaign. It's been about my speed. :)

  2. Replies
    1. It's one of the club sets, but is made by "Urbanmatz", and comes pre-painted too!

  3. Nice to see the 'guard out and about.

    1. They're having a terrible time, but I'm having fun. :)
