Sunday 21 July 2024

Bad Squiddo Kickstarter

Bad Squiddo have a Kickstarter live at the moment. They've got a whole bunch of new fantasy miniatures to expand on their existing line. They aren't for a particular system, but would work for general fantasy RPGs such as D&D and Pathfinder, and quite a few would also really suit Runequest, which is hard to find good minis for!

Annie's a friend, and I'm a huge fan of these minis, so if you can spare a few quid, consider backing the Kickstarter. It's a short one, and ends this Tuesday at 8pm UK time, so you haven't got long.

Monday 8 July 2024

Malifaux Battle Report - Plant Explosives, Viktorias vs Molly

It's been a whole while since I played Malifaux, so decided to grab a game to remind myself of the rules. One of the London players volunteered to help out and brought a Resurrectionist Molly crew to face my Outcast Viktorias crew.

We were playing Plant Explosives so I yeeted Bishop up the field, pulling Taelor some of the way to get a marker down.

Archie charged in and smacked Bishop pretty hard. Taelor then swung in but couldn't quite finish Archie off. The next turn, Archie smushed them both, taking out two of my heavy hitters...

I didn't have much left that could threaten Archie or the Rogue Necromancy so mostly ended up with my scheme runners (ineffectively) running away from them.

One Vik got taken down, while the second went to go shank up one of the new Molly crew models, but found them a tough nut to crack.

Teleporting Crooligans were dropping scheme markers all over the place, and I was falling further and further behind in scoring.

My Prospector and Ronin made one last brave attempt to get some scoring down, but my numbers were low enough that markers were just getting taken out faster than I could put them down. We called the game there with a solid win for Molly.

I definitely don't really know what I'm doing just yet, but it was good to get a game in. I enjoyed the game itself even if I did get a kicking. There's some more figures I need to assemble, and a bunch of painting to be done...

Monday 1 July 2024

Wherein a rambly post happens because I'm not blogging the housework...

Please find this picture of an awkward adolescent waterfowl learning to forage, which is as good a representation of me trying to tidy my flat as I can find. I've not got any painting or assembly done while I've been either tidying, LARPing, or feeling under the weather. But, plenty has been going on, so here's a bit of an update as to what's been going on...

I have managed to get a bunch of sorting done of my Flesh and Blood cards. A kind member of the UK community sends out a whole pile of common cards for the cost of postage to new players, and I've supplemented this by buying a few singles of rarer cards that are particularly useful for the hero I'm playing. Once the last of them arrive, I'll likely pop down to Dark Sphere for an "Armory Night".

The new competitive "season" for 40K has come out. I picked up the cards and markers for it as I really enjoyed the game of the current edition I had so far. I've got another Crusade game coming up soon, too. I need to line up my Astra Militarum clear out, followed by painting up some models for the new edition.

My copy of Tome of Tombs by James Holloway arrived! James is an old friend from LARP who also creates one of my favourite podcasts. This is a system-neutral zine for creating tombs and so on for fantasy RPGs. If you're regularly running fantasy RPGs, this is definitely worth a look.

Bangarang in the Gutterlands is a little skirmish game by Bill Making Stuff. It turned up recently and I haven't had a chance to nose through it. It's definitely got a home made vibe to it, which seems to be a more and more common aesthetic people are going for at the moment.

Also arriving this week was the Marauder Giant "Made to Order" from Games Workshop. I remember seeing this miniature in my old White Dwarfs, and when I saw that it was being re-released for a limited window, I absolutely had to get one. I doesn't go with my current Bretonnian Old World force, but I'm going to hang onto him until a suitable project shows up.

On an impulse, I ordered the White Dwarf anniversary figure at the same time as the Marauder Giant. I didn't have a particular reason I can remember.

What really impressed me about it was the assembly. It's a monopose model, which is fine on a character you won't want multiples of, but the way it fits together is really quite simple, with pretty large pieces and nothing super fiddly. This sort of kit is pretty accessible to a less experienced modeller, but is still going to look amazing at the end of it.

And finally, the Vampire Queen by Ana Polanšćak and Meridian Miniatures. It's a big monster model with optional wings and tail and two head options. Ana is the creative mind behind Gardens of Hecate. This is definitely an excellent final monster for some kind of folk horror campaign - I'm still having a think about how I might eventually paint it.

Beyond that, I've had a game of Malifaux that I need to write up, and next weekend I'll be grabbing a game of 40K for the campaign that I need to prep for. The points have been updated and I have a few more points I can spend so I need to work out what I'm going to get...