The final battles of the campaign were the undead trying to take the town - but they had a limited time to do so before the sun rose and the vampires got significantly weaker. The games were doubles game, and my ally was running a powerful Blood Dragons list, using some custom rules written by the organiser for this event.
I took the right flank to, with the plan of using my ghostly stuff to hold up some scary units on the flank, while the Blood Dragons were planning on charging into the rows of Empire infantry.
I brought my wolves up into the outriders, who managed to cut them down quite effectively.
Meanwhile, my bats, which I'd planned to send flying over the enemy lines to take out the war machines, either got charged by a big block of infantry and smushed, or enchanted to not be able to charge, which did not go well for them.
The Blood Dragons were doing terrible things over on the left flank, taking advantage of the event rule that let them form lances...While the Empire knights had gotten caught up in some massive zombie hordes...
The grave guard and spirit hosts swarmed over and destroyed the outriders.
Meanwhile, the banshee tried to hold up the steam tank, but instead got discorporated. Whoops.
The spirit hosts pushed forward to lock up the demigryph knights.
The undead started to push into the town as the demigryph knights desperately tried to get away from the ghostly swarms.
Meanwhile, the big block of Empire infantry swung towards the blood knights and zombie horde...
The Empire infantry block crashed into the undead lines, cut down swarms of zombies, and pulled down a couple of blood knights. The impact was too much for the undead, and they crumbled away as their magic stopped holding them together...
At this point, the game ended, and we narrowly hadn't taken the town, and overall in the campaign, the Empire had narrowly swung back to win at the last moment.
All in all, this was good fun. I definitely made some bad decisions from not knowing the game very well, but it reassured me that I enjoyed playing the game and it was worth continuing to try and get my army together.