So, I've been using Tabletop Simulator to play some games of Infinity, and am starting to get to the point where I'm happy with some of the lists I'm now writing. I thought I'd take a moment to talk about
this list and how it comes about.
Infinity can change drastically depending on the mission you're playing, but most missions fall into one of three categories: Push Buttons, Control Territory and Kill The Other Side. This mission is intended to focus on the first two types of missions.
The list has a strong ARO presence - the Q-Drone gets four shots in my opponent's turn, and the Noctifer can start in Hidden Deployment (I get to write down where it's deployed rather than place the model on the table), meaning it can get a shot when my opponent is at a serious disadvantage as I get to choose when it shows itself.
The Shrouded Minelayer and Seed Soldier get to deploy in the middle of the field and are placed to slow the enemy attack or possibly counter attack if left alive. The two Shrouded Hackers, meanwhile, have the job of pushing buttons and doing specialist things, although they can also do a mischief to my opponent's advance with their hacking.
If I'm going first, the Speculo is making an attack run to disrupt my opponent, if I'm going second she's placed in the most awkward spot possible to try and make my opponent spend their first turn killing her, not playing the mission.
The Caliban is a dangerous short ranged attack piece who can swing into button pushing if needed. The Flash Pulse from being a Forward Observer means he has a longer ranged ARO if I need something with a bit more reach than a shotgun.
The Taigha are cheap moving expendable shmucks to be used as problem solving wherever needed. Everything else is there to provide orders for people doing the work.
I like a few things about this list so far. It has a strong ARO presence that means I can cause my opponent to spend quite a few orders dealing with threats. The strong midfield camouflage also helps hold up advances and gives me options.
On the other hand, I think it needs another offensive gun. It probably doesn't need a Shrouded Killer Hacker as well as a Hacker, and the Speculo Minelayer broadly seems to be overkill. So my next step will probably be downgrading those units to try and find the points for some sort of heavier attack piece to add a bit more offensive punch.
The trick with Infinity is to not change everything at once. I've got a strong basis for a list here that isn't quite perfect yet. Rather than changing everything, swapping out two or three models but keeping the core of the list "as is" gives me a much better comparison for what suits my playstyle.