Monday, 6 January 2025

Lyran Guard Battlemech Lance

After spending way too much of 2024 on my painting desk with a simple basecoat on, I've finished up this Lyran Guard Battlemech lance for Battletech. It's a pretty simple tabletop quality paint scheme, but it means they're done and sorted.

I now have six painted Lyran mechs overall, and that's plenty to learn the game with. I'm not going to be jumping into that straight away - I've got an Old World campaign day and my first game of Infinity N5 next weekend, and I expect the combination to leave my brain as total soup.


  1. That's a very visually grabbing design! (It's also a pretty scary lance, game-wise). Nice!

    1. That should balance out nicely with my utter lack of a clue with Battletech.
