Monday, 15 January 2024

D&D party progress

The metal models for the D&D party are now fully prepared and undercoated. I used milliput to build up around the integrated bases, then glued on Krautcover "Common Earth". I picked mine up from Bad Squiddo, but I'm sure there's other folk selling it as well.

I then added zenithal undercoats to all the miniatures. For this I spray undercoat in black, then make sure I get any spots I missed with a brush. Then, for these, I did a pretty thorough Wraithbone pass at 45 degrees. followed by a lighter spray of white from directly above.

The last party member, a half elf warlock, is getting assembled from three Frameworks sets (I need a weapon and a head from two, but most will be from a single set. This isn't too bad, as there's enough spare heads and arms in the other two kits that I'll be able to assemble them too and have a couple of spare useful models.

Things are getting a bit tight for my deadline, but I'm hoping to still make it.

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