Monday 24 September 2018

A nice scenery idea from Warhammer: Tottenham Court Road

A while back, I was pottering through Warhammer: Tottenham Court Road, and what should catch my eye...

Of course, it's the scenery. This Arcane Ruins set was painted by basing black, drybrushing with green, then a gloss varnish to give it a reflective feel. Definitely a method I'll want to try myself later.


  1. I was in the process of trying something similar with my Dragonfate Dias. I should pull that back out again. It was coming along pretty nicely, but got set aside because something else took priority, and then I just never got back to it.

  2. Terrain projects are great, but take up a bit of space once completed :(

  3. I’ve got a bit of terrain storage space in the new place, so I will be able to do a couple!

  4. Funnily enough I went in there over the weekend and it reignited my GW but after many years dormant and in historical games. That stunning AOS mountain fort attack display they have!

    Lucky, work is just far enough to not be walkable in a lunchbreak ;)

  5. What GW are you looking at picking up? And will you blog it? Welcome back to this side of the hobby, by the way. :)
